Chapter Seven

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Tristan had been waiting for hours on Piper to wake. He had slept decently here in the waiting room but when the clerics began arriving an hour ago, he couldn't help but listen to what they were murmuring to one another. They were all radiating excitement and giddiness as they spoke. The Sovereign arrived shortly after and stood by, quietly communicating with the Clerics. He did not look pleased.

They had all been ordered by Weylyn not to approach her room. She was not to be bothered until she awoke naturally. When she made her last hourly round to check on her, she informed them all that she was awake and in the shower. A note had been left for her that her blood results were completed and to come out when she was ready.

Tristan made what was probably his seventy-fifth lap around the waiting room since he had woken up. He took Weylyn's advice and had given Piper her space. It was torture, especially now that he knew she was awake. He wanted to know if she was ok and how she was feeling.

Hearing a door close down the hall had him stop his pacing and turn towards her hall. After a glance he saw that everyone was looking.

She emerged in a light pink shirt, her hair still damp from her shower, and the smell of apples combining with her natural Ocean scent was captivating to him.

"Good Evening, my dear!" the lead cleric, Auberon spoke first, bowing low. A form of respect usually reserved for only The Sovereign and his mate.

Piper smiled, pleasantly surprised at the unexpected welcome from him. Tristan could sense her anxiety at the large crowd was eased at Auberon's genuine pleasure to see her. "Good evening," she replied quietly blushing, clasping her hands together. Her body language was conveying a sort of shyness from her.

"Piper, we have your blood results ready and we would like to discuss them with you, are you ready?" The doctor asked, taking her chart from the counter.

"Yes, I'm ready," Piper answered.

"Piper, we have compared your blood results with information our clerics have protected in the ancient scrolls and texts and we have come to the conclusion that you are a direct descendant of the Sirens. Specifically, based on what we have learned from your DNA we believe that your father was a full-blooded male Siren named Caspian who roamed much of the Atlantic Ocean. We believed him dead in the year 493 but seeing as how you are here, we will have to revise our texts," The doctor's words were clear and concise with no hint of uncertainty.

Tristan's gaze fell back on Piper who appeared the be unable to find the appropriate words to respond with. She was looking at the doctor with incredulity and Tristan wanted nothing more than to reach out and find out what she was thinking and feeling.

Her silence provoked Auberon to speak. "Your father, Caspian was said to be the son of Triton, my dear. Which means that you are the great-granddaughter of Poseidon." His voice was excited and animated. This explained his low bow. Piper was literal royalty. She was a demi-goddess.

Tristan had fed from a demi-goddess. No wonder her blood had major healing properties. Tristan's mind was reeling. The clerics began murmuring excitedly to each other.

"Look how green her eyes are!" one cleric whispered excitedly to another.

Tristan looked again at Piper, she still hadn't spoken. Her eyes had glazed over like she was still taking everything in.

"I..." she began, like she couldn't find the words. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say," Piper said, rubbing her face. He could sense her anxiety was starting to climb.

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