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The party is buzzing about mid-way through the night, the castle courtyard had been completely transformed with lamps and bunches of fairy lights. To one side were tables of drinks and a music stand, in the middle of the garden was a makeshift dance floor which people were swaying on. The sounds of excited chatter and laughter were filling the clear air.

I throw-back my 5th glass of blood, at least I think it was my 5th, and pick up another, this time taking little sips as my nerves begin to show. I wipe my clammy hand down the side of my dress, then bring it up to my stomach. Tonight is when I plan to tell him about the baby.

As thoughts of his brown eyes and structured face leave my head, I spot him within a crowd. Smiling widely he tosses his head back in laughter, Ash, standing in a sea of people giving their congratulations.

"Hey," I jump at the sudden voice, thankfully my cup doesn't spill. "Christ, I'm sorry," the voice apologises. I turn and see Eli.

Smacking his arm, I scold him, "you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Ow," he rubs his arm, frowning at me, "I said I'm sorry."

"Whatever, you big baby," I mumble with a small smile, my focus returning to Ash, as I take another sip. Eli watches my actions.

"So..." he trails glancing down to the hand still over my stomach, and the blood in my cup before following my gaze to Ash. A grin stretches across his face, "I get it now," he says.

I whip my head around, I stare at him wide-eyed, "you can't say anything."

He laughs, "of course I won't, that's something you'll do. How long have you known?"

"About three days."

"Three days!" He looks shocked.

I nod my head, looking down at my belly I speak, "apparently having a demon for a mother and vampire as a father makes for a very complicated pregnancy."

"H-how? You're already showing," he questions.

I shrug, "honestly I'm not that sure, Freya estimated three months until the due date but the way it's going I'd say a month or two, she's eager to get out."


I shrug again, "just a feeling."

Silence shrouds us for a moment before Eli speaks, "should've used protection," he jokes shaking his head. I slap his arm, again.

"Shut up, you wouldn't know what protection was if it hit you in the face," I roll my eyes.

Eli laughs, his contagious laughter sets me off and together we become a giggling mess, I missed this, joking about stupid things with Eli.

After taking some calming breaths, Eli asks, "so when are you going to tell him?"

"Tonight, I mean it's not like I can hide it any longer," I finish the rest of my cup which Eli takes from my hand, placing it on a nearby table.

He then glances behind me, smiling Eli speaks, "no better time than the present," and with his last word, pushes me backwards.

I stumble trying to regain my balance but knock into something or should I say, someone.

Arms wrap around my waist as I bring my head up to meet their eyes, Ash. "Careful, Love, I don't what you getting hurt," he says leaning down to kiss me.

I melt as his lips meet mine for a brief moment, as cliche as it sounds, it felt like time had stopped and it was only us two there. I really do love him.

Wait, I'm here for a reason, "I need to talk to you," I glace around us, it's too crowded here, "alone," I add. Grabbing Ash's hand I waste no time and teleport us to another part of the castle gardens. Under the birch tree where he proposed.

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