I missed you.

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It's been a little over a week since Dawson returned and Casey has been at his lowest. Half of him wishes she never returned but the other half of him is so glad she did. He knows that she is his soulmate and without her he will never be truly happy so to see her again despite her lies, he's happy.

Since she moved he has been in two different relationships but soon left them both due to it not feeling right.. Kelly tried his hardest to get him to move on, often taking him on weekend trips to find new girls but since Kelly and Stella got married and had a baby he would only see Kelly on shift or maybe at Mollys once in a while. Although, one text message got him to come see Matt right away.

"I need you right now, I don't know what to do" Kelly's phone lit up, showing the message from Matt.

"Hey baby, I'm going to check on Matt, I'll be back later" he shouted across the hall to Stella as he grabbed his keys and headed to Molly's.

Kelly sat next to Matt and called for Herrman "Two beers please". 
"So what's up?" He asked..
"I just have no idea what's going on, I finally start to think I'm feeling ok with her being gone then not only does she come back she brings my son.."
"Kelly, I have a son!" Matt replies.

"I know, it's hard. Remember when Renee came back and I thought he was mine? You know how crazy that was for me, it'll work out how it has too. First things first, do you want to question her, DNA?" Kelly asked.

"He looks just like me.. I don't think that's needed. I don't think she would lie." Matt responded.
"Well you wouldn't of expected her to hide your son anyway from you either but yet here we are" Kelly says sarcastically as he calls for two shots for them both.

"At the end of the day, it's your life. You need to think about how it's going to effect you, your work and your relationships with everyone. If you get close she might leave again, call her. Talk it out, I have to go now Stella is on shift tomorrow, it's my daddy duty, give it a chance Matt, you might enjoy it more than you think" Kelly pats Matt on the back "bye, good luck" Kelly says.

"Thanks Severide" he responds.

Matt pulls out his phone and texts Gabby
"Hey, are you free for me to come over?"
Gabby replies "Of course."

Matt calls a Uber and heads over to the hotel.
As he approaches the door he goes to knock and stops. He's not sure if this is right. If it should happen this way but he remembers the love he had with her when they raised Louie so he knocks.. and waits.

Gabby opens the door and in front of him is Riley.. "Hey Riley" Matt says.
"Riley this is Matt" Gabby tells him.
Riley says "No" and runs to his little backpack and gets his photo frame he takes everywhere with him and points at the male standing there and says "Daddy?".
Matt looks at Gabby and she just smiles at him.
Riley puts his arms up to Matt and Matt lifts him up and holds him in a tight hug.
Gabby asks him if he wants to help with bedtime and Matt agrees.

As they walk into the bedroom with Matt holding Riley, he puts his arm around Gabby and whispers "I missed you".

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