Chapter 9

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Really sorry I made u wait this fucking long for this chapter one more chapter to go then its over 😢 but hope u guys have enjoyed this book so far❤️ btw should I post last chapter today or tomorrow I promise this time I take so long ill try to keep that promise but anyway sorry enjoy though

CatCo's Annual Fundraiser Gala is on a Thursday.

Being a Luthor and the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, Lena's not surprised when an invitation lands in her inbox. And being the sister of America's most notorious alien hater and the CEO of the company that has become synonymous with xenophobia, Lena can't decline.

She has never been a party animal. College came and went without crazy alcohol-driven adventures, and the only experimenting she ever did was inside the lab, wearing safety goggles. She used to hate it when her parents dragged her to events all the time, teaching her how to walk, talk, and act like a Luthor. She can't stand the fake laughter and feigned interest that comes with these kinds of events, where everybody is just out to socialize and create or strengthen connections with other high class people.

Unfortunately, that's exactly the reason she can't skip this party. She has a reputation to rebuild, and showing her face at one of the most extravagant events of the west coast will help with that. Everyone who's someone in National City has been invited, and if she wants people to know she's doing her best to right Lex's wrongs, this is the perfect place to start. And, on top of that, donating to charity is always a good idea—not just for herself, but also for the people she'll be helping.

As Thursday night draws to a close, she keeps that thought in her mind to suppress the dread building up in her stomach. This year's charity busies itself with helping children in third world countries by building fresh water taps, giving them free vaccinations, and an education to give them a chance at a better future. Even if she doesn't enjoy herself, she'll at least do something useful. Something good.

The night of the party, she sends her assistant home early, changing into a different dress in her office. It's simple and black, and not unlike the ones she wears on a daily basis now. She retouches her makeup, and practices her polite smile in the mirror on the elevator ride down. In the back of her mind, she hears Lillian repeating the lessons from years ago.

"Shoulders back, Lena. No one likes someone who slouches their shoulders. And keep your chin up, otherwise you'll have a double chin. Suck in your stomach, it looks fat in that dress. And smile, Lena, you're at a party, not a funeral."

She greets the doorman on her way out, climbing into the backseat of the car Hector's already running. With a sigh, she kicks off her heels, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Good evening, Hector. Sorry for making you work late, I would've driven myself but apparently that's not something CEOs are supposed to do."

Hector flashes her a grin in the rear mirror. "It's no problem at all, Ms. Luthor. Just sit back and relax, it's a short drive."

Lena puts her seatbelt on and leans back, pulling out her phone. She scrolls through her social media pages, some news feeds, and, even though she's technically free from work, replies to an email.

"You might want to put your shoes back on, Ms. Luthor. We're only just a block away."

Lena glances through the blinded windows and, surely, CatCo is right in front of them. Once again, Cat Grant went all out. On the outside, there's a red carpet, swarmed with press, and even Lena has to admit she's slightly curious to what's on the inside.

A few seconds later, when they pull up at the start of the red carpet, a handsome man wearing a suit opens the car door with an inviting gesture. Lena, shoes on and all, takes his hand to step out of the car, tightly clutching her purse with the other.

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