Chapter 1

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Don't hate me I know I've been gone for a longgg while but i is back yes I know I spelt it as I is don't judge me.❤️

Lena meets Kara for the first time when she's fifteen years old. Lena's parents, Lex, and herself go down to their beach house in Midvale, like they do every year, except this time it's different. Because this time there's a new girl at the house just down the hill from the Luthors. From her bedroom window, Lena can see her running around the backyard with other girl, the one who has been there for as long as Lena can remember, blurs of blonde and brown hair shimmering in the sunlight every now and then.

It makes her wish Lex would still play with her, but he says they're too old for that now—he's twenty, and thinking about masters degrees and other important things she, according to him, can't possibly understand yet. (She does understand. She wants to go to Harvard and study biomedical engineering to make a difference, but she hasn't told anyone yet. Everyone thinks Lex is the genius, not her, and it's easier to be invisible, anyway.)

Even though it's summer break, everyone is busy with work. Her mother is reading scientific articles like they're morning newspapers, and her father is doing paperwork for his company. All around the house, staff is working around the clock to keep it clean, which Lena appreciates, but it also makes everything look too white and too impersonal.

Everyone seems to know exactly what to do, except Lena. They've only been here a week and she has already read all the books she brought with her, one of Lex's books on space and alien life, and even the really complicated one from her mother's library about something medical she couldn't quite wrap her head around. She has beaten the two only video games in the house three times at different difficulties, and explored every corner of the house.

So the only logical option now is to leave the house. She decides to ask her mother, because she's the most likely to say yes. She does say yes.

("Mom, can I go and play outside?"

"Whatever, Lena. Don't forget dinner is at six.")

Lena doesn't waste another second. She quietly pulls open the front door, but as soon as it falls closed behind her, she starts running. Down the hill, to where the two girls are playing. As Lena gets closer, she realizes they're holding jump ropes and there are several types of balls scattered around the grass, but then she's too close and there's hedges separating them from her and she can't see anything anymore. Between the swishing sounds of the jump rope, she can hear them laughing and talking.

They sound like they're having a lot of fun with the two of them, and Lena skids to a stop. Who says these girls will want to play with her? She doesn't even know them, even though she's been coming here for years. Who knows what the people in the town are saying about them—the Luthors. If they even notice their presence at all, since they never really come out of the house.

Something in her stomach twitches and she feels like she might be sick. These girls are having so much fun, they probably don't want Lena to interrupt them. They'll probably think she's obnoxious and not as much fun. But she also can't go back to the house, not now that she finally got out.

Feeling conflicted, she tentatively takes a few steps closer to the hedges to look through them. The girl with brown hair is now pitching balls at the other one with impressive swings, and the blonde is catching them with ease. It seems like a silly game—especially because the taller girl seems to be around the same age as Lena—until one of the balls flies over the blonde's head by at least two yards. At first Lena thinks it was a mistake for the ball to have been thrown that high, but then the small girl levitates off the ground and catches it with a grin.

"Throw it higher, Alex," she says, feet landing back on the grass, the ball still clutched in her hands.

"You know we're not supposed to," the brunette, Alex, says. "What if someone sees you? Mom and Dad would kill us."

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