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In the end they wrote a eulogy for him.

It was read to an empty grave and an audience of six. Alice knew four of the faces in the vision, the lined and grimly set jaws of the agents who had haunted Forks. Bryant stood silently at the back, stony but suffering and he was the last to leave.

She told Jamie, who accepted it quietly and in his usual reserved way. He didn't ask what was said or who else was there, only if anyone had cried. Nobody did and he wasn't upset by it, perhaps even a little relieved to spare people that much heartache and effort.

"I wasn't very popular," he told her. "I think I reminded people of a bad day."

Alice had laughed, not feeling sorry for him but rather for the people who hadn't known him.

"A walking raincloud," she said. "How convenient for us."

What would have been his real funeral she stopped, by the skin of her teeth but still managed. The vision a cascade of pain. Watching her family fight and Jamie, feral in his loss, casting himself and three Volturi down into the pit in sacrifice to save Rosalie. She had screamed but he hadn't, closing his eyes against the fire and Alice knew that he saw Carlisle in the darkness.

Edward had seen it too and as he watched his daughter lose another game of Guess Who against Jamie, he found himself thankful for the faithful pillar in their home. Jamie had trusted Edward with delivering the final retribution for his friend, choosing to fight beside Carlisle against Victoria instead of letting his rage close his mind. His time of revenge was over, now he wanted to protect.

And Victoria had paid for Susanna's death, as well as the others she caused and her erasure from the world proved enough to settle the last of the violent turmoil of Jamie's soul.

After her death they all the saw the change in him and happier than most was Carlisle, who watched Jamie with steadfast affection and a devotion none had witnessed from him before.

Before Renesmee's birth, the struggle proved harder than facing Victoria and plenty times did Jamie and Jasper have to be taken from the house to keep their thirst controlled. Carlisle worried in that time; for his mate, for Bella and his family and during the fight for control and morals Jamie became the dark shadow at his heels. Rarely did they stray apart and the habit kept even after the birth.

When the covens came to their aid, Carlisle and his shadow of a mate became great interest to many. Painful to part and fathomless in their bond, rarely had there been such a companionship between men in their world, and Jamie's gift proved even more of a spectacle.

Tanya in particular found great enjoyment in setting him on her coven-sister, Kate. Many times did he slink into her mind and practice his control over another. He made her dance once but that proved as far as he was willing to go, especially against a friend as fearsome as Kate and her skin that could shock him painfully in return.

Jamie found little joy in making puppets of those less than willing. He would rather skulk and watch at the back of their minds and since the winter quarrel with the Volturi, there proved barely a need to call on that power and for the first time, Jamie lived in peace.

"Does your man wear glasses?" Jamie asked.

"...Yes," replied Renesmee rather sourly.

Jamie flicked down over half of his remaining board.

"Is your woman wearing a ponytail?" asked Renesmee.

Jamie smiled. "No."

Knowing what was coming and reluctant to face the gloating, the child - wiser than most - feigned interest in the softball game on the TV.

"Are you Paul?" Jamie asked.

Renesmee pretended not to hear the question.

"Yes, you're Paul," Jamie concluded and stretched needlessly in his chair. Always the champion, he made a show of flicking down the remaining faces on his side and packed Renesmee's and his boards away.

From the couch Esme watched in disapproval. Edward too, who sat at the piano but he came across far more amused at his daughter's sulking.

"You're a cheat," she muttered under her breath.


Jamie put his hand to his ear, acting deaf. Renesmee's lips thinned and the child's, baby-fat face turned as stern as it could.

"Right!" she announced loudly. "I want a game of tag!"

"Can't, I have a bad leg," said Jamie.


Jamie spread his hands in a 'it's out of our control' gesture and stood to put the boxed game away.

Renesmee stood too and blocked his path.

"I'll show you a bad leg," she said, and before any of them realised what she meant she kicked him in the shin.

"You're it!" she cried and ran down the stairs.

"Renesmee!" Edward called after her, aghast.

Instead of anger, Jamie only watched as her fiery head of hair disappeared and laughed, the sound bell-like and joyful.

Upstairs, nestled in his study and crowded by paperwork Carlisle worked on endless reports.

He heard a laugh and his lips curved upwards in an answering smile.

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