Chapter 13: Boat Ride Part 1

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Star's Pov

Augustus finished wiping his face, stood up and we both started walking back to the group. Everyone was waiting for us as we approached them. 

Augustus looked a little scared, I suppose he knew he was still in trouble. Mrs.Gloop came running and hugged Agustus tightly.

"Augustus are you ok!" She cried cupping her hand around her sons pudgy face. 

"I'm fine mama." He replied. 

I sighed relieved. 

"As for you Star thank you." Mrs.Gloop thanked with tears in her eyes. 

"No problem Mrs.Gloop," I appreciated. 

For some reason I shifted my vision towards Augustus and he did something so nice. 

"I'm very sorry I touched your chocolate river without permission Mr. Wonka, I wont touch anything else on the tour without your permission." The german boy stated. 

Mr. Wonka looked shocked for a second, but it soon turned into a satisfied smile. 

"Thank you Augustus." The Wacky Wonder Worker thanked. 

"Come along people." Mr. Wonka ordered as all of us moved to a different part of the river. 

We waited for a bit when all of a sudden a pink candy seahorse shaped boat came rowing down the river. With some oompa loompas in blue suits rowing, one was beating a large drum commanding the speed of the rows. They pulled over right next to us and some of the oompa loompas started to giggle. 

"What's so funny?" Violet asked shortly. 

"I think it's from all those don gone coco beans." Mr. Wonka grinned. 

"Does it make them all perky?" I asked. 

"I think it does Star." Charlie agreed. 

"Well actually there's more than that children, Did you know chocolate contains Phenylethylamine when eaten, it releases a chemical that gives one the feeling of being loved." Mr. Wonka explained. 

"You don't say..." Mr. Beauregarde said softly while the others stared. 

"All aboard!" The Wacky Wonder Worker called out as we all started to get on the boat. 

I sat next to Mike and his dad, To be honest it was really crowded on the boat. 

"Onward!" Mr. Wonka commanded. 

Soon the little minion started beating the drum and the others began to row us down the river. It was so pretty just going down the chocolate river watching the beautiful candy landscape go by. 

"Here try some of this it'll do you good, you look starved." I heard Mr. Wonka say. 

He gave Charlie a ladle with some chocolate in it from the river, He took a sip. 

"Its great!" Charlie complimented. 

"That's because it's mixed by waterfall, The waterfall is most important." Mr. Wonka reminded. 

"It mixes the chocolate makes it light and frothy, by the way no other factory in th-" 

"You already said that!" Veruca interjected. Mr. Wonka looked embarrassed and went silent for a second. 

"Come on Veruca you didn't need to interrupt him." I said. 

'It wouldn't kill us to hear him talk about the waterfall one more time.' I thought. 

"No one asked you, you overgrown cat!" Veruca scowled. 

I felt my blood boil as I started to huff and puff. I gripped the seat tightly in rage.

"Veruca dear don't talk to people like that." Her father said in a fancy manner. 

I couldn't believe it! he didn't even show any sign of anger or discipline. But I decided not to lose my temper, that's what my parents have been teaching me. 

It's ok to get angry, but never let it out on a person. Well only if your trying to stand up for yourself or for others. 

"Well don't you all look mighty short today." Mr. Wonka smiled. 

"Well yeah were children." Violet scoffed, I grunted in disbelief. 

"Violet! That's enough!" I hissed. 

The little girl once again looked intimidated by my words, immediately stop talking, and turned around. 

"Hey Star let me handle my daughter." Violets mom told me. 

I rolled my eyes "How by teaching her to be arrogant and mean!" 

Mrs. Beauregarde was stunned by my words as her eyes widened. All of a sudden I felt a hand touch my shoulder from behind. 

"Star please settle down, we don't want to start a fight now do we." Charlie's grandpa kindly advised. 

I sighed "Ok, i'm sorry."

 Everyone seemed to calm down after that. 

"Mr. Wonka do you remember how your life was when you were a kid?" Charlie asked. 

"Oh boy do I?" Mr. Wonka said slowly and suddenly froze with a large frown on his face, which creeped me out a bit.           

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