Bad News

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What they didn't notice was that Matthew had stayed behind in the room and it was a good thing he did because a note appeared on the table.

Dear any nation who finds this,

We know you just read the one that applies to all of you. These are the people who the second part apply too. (And how many times they've tried)

Mathias 20
Alfred 14 
Ivan 13 
Francis 12
Arthur 11
Kiku 10
Yao 9
Feliciano 8 
Matthew 6
Gilbert 6
Ludwig 5

These countries have been through a lot, more than you know. Help them.

-The Ancients.

Matthew gasped.

He knew his brother had attempted at least 2-3 times, he had found the aftermath of it.

Matthew understood why his name was on there, but he had gotten help years ago. He assumed the Ancients were just worried.

He made a mental note to see Prussia after this. His boyfriend had stopped after dating him but still, he was worried. He also needed to chat with his older brothers/ father figures and Mathias, who was currently helping his brother.

'How can Mathias hate himself this much but care so much about Alfred?' Matthew wondered.

Then he remembered his brother.

He needed to find him.

Matthew ran out of the room, trying to locate his brother. He opened a door and found Francis and Arthur talking.

"Have any if you seen Alfred?!" He asks.

"No.... What's the rush?" Francis asks.

"... It's not my place to tell you." Matt says.

"I think I saw him go upstairs." Arthur said.

Matt's blood froze, hoping is brother wasn't doing anything stupid.

He ran out with a rushed 'thank you'.

He ran for the stairs and went to the third floor.

"ALFRED!!" He called out as he ran through the halls.

He got no response, so he went further into the floor.


This time he heard something.

It was quiet, but it was silent up here.

He paused, waiting a second.

There it was!

It sounded like a whimper.


The whimpering stopped for a second, before starting again.

He followed the noise to a room down the hall. He ended up in front of a room, slowly he cracked open the door. 

Inside Alfred was sitting on a couch with Denmark who was crying.

Matthew not knowing what to do,  went near the duo and Alfred saw him and signaled him to come over.

"What is it, Matthew."

"Can you tell me why you tried to kill yourself so many times?" Matthew said as he showed his twin brother the note.

Alfred flinched.

He knew this was going to happen when that was read.

"I-I .... Don't know how to answer." He admitted.

"Okay then, I've known of 3. The one where you hung yourself, one where you stabbed yourself through the heart, and when you slit your throat. Were there any before those?" Matthew asked, looking at the faint scar on his brothers neck.

"1813." Al muttered.

"I was so guilty, I really hurt you. I thought you would hate me. I didn't want that to happen, I tried to stop them from burning it I really did but the soldiers wouldn't listen."

Matthew winced, that had been painful, but he had gotten revenge for burning Washington D.C. a year later.

"And in July of 1863, after Gettysburg. So many people died, all the bloodshed. I couldn't handle it." Alfred whimpered.

Matthew hugged him.

"In World War 2, I got thrown in a camp and-"

He started crying.

"I wanted out so bad, it was horrible Mattie, and during the Great Depression. I couldn't do anything for my people. I hated it so much. I didn't know what to do." Alfred's voice broke at the end and he just started crying again.

Matthew hugged him and Denmark who was thankfully asleep.

He knew his brother had problems and he was going to help him.

Damn it.

He was sure Francis and Arthur would too. He never knew his brother was so down and depressed.

"I can't say anymore, please don't make me." Alfred practically begged.

"Shhh, I won't, thank you for telling me what you did though." Matthew hugged.

"Alfred, do you know how much time Mathias... you know........" Matthew said before going silent.

Alfred places his index finger to Matthew's lips.

"Yes, I do. I actually stopped him once from jumping off of a bridge. He doesn't like to talk about it anymore." Alfred admitted hugging his friend closer to him.

"I can't believe that I can't even help myself but I'm trying to help him." Alfred huffed.

"Alfred, it shows you care about him." Matthew smiled going for another hug.

They just sat there hugging it out when they heard the door open again, waking up Denmark who still had tears on his face.

There stood the twin's older brothers England and France.

"Were going to pick up again in about 15 minutes. Ludwig told us to tell you." Arthur said.

"Thank you but France. I wanna talk to you and Arthur outside." Matthew said in a serious tone.

The two nodded in a a type of scared and nervous way because of Matthew's expression.

The two older blond countries left and waited outside as Matthew turned back to Alfred.

"Promise me Alfred, whenever you or Mathias are feeling upset or depressed or even remotely sad, that you will come to me or Prussia. Promise me that." Matthew said still with his serious tone.

Alfred nodded and Matthew gave a relived sigh.

A few minutes later, Matthew made his way to the other two members of the F.A.C.E family.

Denmark looked at Alfred.

"Alfred, does he know?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It was only a matter of time til it happened, Alfred. Thanks for helping me out."

"Not a problem. I'm a hero after all."

"Yup, you're my hero. That's for sure." Mathias chuckled cupping Alfred's cheek.

Soon when the two were feeling a little better. They walked in to the meeting room where Matthew sat down on a couch and pulled Alfred next to him who in turn pulled Ivan and Mathias with him. They sat there waiting for the others within 5 minutes, the other three were back and sat down. Kiku and Yoa next to Ludwig and Feliciano, and Arthur and Francis by the twins with Ivan and Mathias and the Nordics next to Mathias.

"Lets get started. Who will read?" Ludwig declared.

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