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Cecrops gazed upon the view of his city. My city, he repeated to himself and smiled. He had had this vision for a long time now. A city of his very own, where he could rule his subjects in justice and teach them how to lead a life with faith and respect.
   The old king was very pleased by that. He had lived a long and adventurous life but it there was one thing he was missing that was a place to call his own. Well,there it now! He was staring right at it. The only thing left now was a god's blessing. Nothing could be done without that. And even if it was done, it was sure to go wrong. No one can protect you from a god's wrath. God's wrath. Cecrops smigled his eyebrows and looked at his city again, this time worry evident in his gaze. A god's blessing is necessary, yes, but what happens if there are two?
  " I've had enough of this nonsense" said Poseidon with his usual deep and authority-filled voice. One might even say a godly voice. Cecrops turned around and found the strong-built god looking rather impatient. He was eyeing the other immortal standing next to him with fury.
   Cecrops had seen many women in his life. Not one of them could ever wish to come close to the beauty he was facing now. The figure in front him was indeed one worthy to be called a Goddess. Athena was, herself rather frustrated but did not want to show such weakness of character neither in front of her rival nor at the presence of a mortal. " King Cecrops, I understand the gravity of the decision you are called to make. The blessing of the city is indeed a ritual of great importance, which will vitality shape it's very future. And you, you should be joyful because not one, but two deities have taken interest in becoming the patron of this city. It is time to choose who you think fittest to optain that role. Me, Athena goddess of wisdom and battle or Poseidon, ruler of the sea."
  Cercops listened carefully to her words and realised that his time was up. But could he possibly say that would not anger the unchosen god? Before he could put his thoughts in a straight line the  'ruler of the sea' spoke " You sure like to talk fancy, don't you oh great goddess of wisdom and battle? " He chuckled. " And you say we should let a mere mortal decide for this? This is a matter of the gods he has no say in it. " " You should watch your tongue, Poseidon. Pride is as much a sin to gods at it is to humans. This man is the King of the city. He is the only one who has the right for such decision."
Athena's look was enough for Poseidon to understand that she wouldn't tolerate any other way of this to be settled,the mortal had to be the one to choose. Honestly, the sea god couldn't understand why Athena was so proper all the time. They were gods for Zeus' sake! They were allowed to take advantage of their powers at least every once in a while. Still, Poseidon decided not to voice that thought. For once, let's not start fighting before the actual fight we went there for in the beginning, he thought.
   The King finally raised his gaze from the ground and looked at the two deities I'm from of him. He had finally found the solution to this mess, a way for both god's to accept the outcome of this
" battle" that would not result in tragic losses. " Oh great Poseidon, to whom not even the untamable sea dares to go against, oh great Athena who possess both beauty and wisdom, a human like me could not ever hope to comprehend such power as you two posses, hence making a decision of my own is impossible." The two immortals were now confused as to what the half-snake man had come up with. They wanted this to be over with quickly, so the winner could then openly boast his inferiority to the other, even so they were curious to hear his plan so they kept listening. " This city does not belong to me, but to the people living here. They should be the ones to choose who will protect them and their homes. So I humbly ask of you, that each offers a gift to the people of this city. The citizens then will decide who was the one who gave away the most valuable good to this place. The winner not only will become the patron of this city, but it will also be re-named after its protector. "
  Cecrops speech came to an end and he was now waiting for the two gods reaction. Poseidon was the first one to talk and he looked rather pissed " How dare you mortal? Us offering you our blessing isn't enough, now you come asking for gifts? " Cecrops started to worry that this would be the end of both him and his city. A god's wrath, he thought.  " Are you scared you will lose?" Athena was now looking at Poseidon, smoking. The old king was shocked. The great goddess who just moments ago believed to be the epitome of respect and righteousness was now making  childish remarks to lure her opponent into a competition. And by the angry way Poseidon was now eyeing her, she had succeeded...


And chapter two is here!!
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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