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Athena examined the tall shape sculptured by the hundreds of slaves. Honestly she was more interested to admire the muscled arms than her own statue. They had gotten her nose wrong anyway.
  She also couldn't comprehend the obsession of mortals with symbols. Sure she was the Goddess of battle but that didn't mean she was walking around with a heavy armour and a shield all day. And Athena might loved owls,maybe a little too much, but she definitely would never allow anyone and, most definitely not a mere animal to touch her divine shoulder.
  Still though,all things considered the statue didn't look half bad. They had designed in perfect detail her soft black locks reaching only to her shoulders and she had to admit that she looked damn sexy in that armour. The face looked almost identical to her own, if you don't count the lack of colour in her normally black eyes and the nose... - the nose was terrible- she honestly couldn't understand what they were thinking...
  The Goddess walked around the slaves in order to take a better look at their offer  and she smiled. It's feels good to be praised, she thought. Of course it wasn't without a price. She was Athens patron  Godnness, she had given it its most profitable good, the olive tree. She had also made sure the city prospered in the economy and came back a winner from all battles. And don't forget it also bared her very name. Honestly it was time the mortals offered her something worthy of the goods Athena had granted them.
  Just as she finished that thought she heard almost inaudible steps behind her. No question,the steps of an Immortal.
" Came here to admire your own statue? Honestly,could you be more narcissistic?"
The man now also a few feet behind her chuckled. Athena was slightly amused but she wouldn't allow anyone talk to her in such a manner, especially him. She turned to look at the tall, muscled god behind him. His looks alone were enough to make any woman  and man fall to their knees. His long brown hair, almost the same length as Athena's were gathered into a small bun and a couple of locks were falling in front of his piercing sea blue eyes. You could see how toned his body was, through the white shirt he was wearing and the tight trousers were defining his thick thighs. But she knew better. " As if you don't do the shame in those pitiful excuses of temples your followers make" she said with smaug smirk on her face.
  If It was another immortal he would have already attacked, but he was also used to her games.  " You shouldn't be so harsh with me, Athena. That could be me up there".  Athena raised both her eyebrows and looked at him demeaningly. She thought that was over long ago. She had won fair and squared. If we want to be accurate she had destroyed him. All the humans previously worshiping him were now sculpting her very own statue. But that's how it was with mortals. You can't trust they will follow forever if you don't give them something in return.
" You know Poseidon, you really should get over it "
That was the Goddess last remark as she vanished leaving a frustrated Poseidon looking at the spot previously occupied by her.


So, this is it! This is my first try of actually publishing an idea of mine,so go easy on me. Of course, feel free to point out the parts you didn't like or any grammar mistakes and typos in the story, so I can get better.
Thank you for reading this, if you enjoyed it make sure to a leave a star and a comment!
Also, if you have any questions you are welcome to send me a private message!

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