Chapter Six, mysterious

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Chapter Six, Mysterious 

My hands fiddled with the hem of the shirt I had gotten to borrow, or maybe was given, from the wardrobe located in the TARDIS. Half of me wondered where the clothes came from, who it had once belonged to, but the other half was just grateful I got something new to wear. Even if it was simple black jeans and a grey T-Shirt I at least wasn't wearing the blue pyjama shirt I had dragged around in earlier.

"Right, so," the voice of Amy Pond brought me out of my deep thoughts, the sound of her hands clapping together echoing throughout the TARDIS. "Doctors appointment, I need to go home. I kinda need to go to it."

"Awh already?" The Doctor whined, like a playful child that had gotten denied of the next game. It was almost like he had forgotten that Amelia Pond had a life outside of him, outside of travelling.

"Well yes, I kinda do need to go see the doctor. Besides, I think I need a break from all.." the red haired girl made a large gesture in the air. "This." I completely understood what she meant. Travelling with the Doctor was the most wonderful thing, but Amy had a life going on outside of this. She had friends and family, and being away from them for too long can't be good.

"Ah.." the Doctor replied, the melancholic tone on his voice leaving an unreadable tension in the air. "Well have fun at the doctors appointment. Don't let them steal your blood."

"Steal my blood?"

"You know, the things they call blood tests." He made weird hand signs in the air while his eyes were completely stuck on the control panel. He didn't want to look at her, as if it would make it harder to watch her go.

Amy gave him a weird look before turning to me, carefully embracing me. "Take care of him. Don't let him run off to do childish things." The two of us laughed softly, her hands squeezing my arms ever so slightly before she made her way out of the TARDIS and snuck into the backyard of her home.

The air was still tense and rather boring as the Doctor fingered and hovered over the many controls. It was like he wasn't comfortable being around me alone, or at least not as comfortable as he was with Amy, and a small part of me was hurt by it which I completely did not understood.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked after a while. His voice was soft and weak, as if he was scared to talk to me.

I broke out in a smile, eagerly approaching him and standing beside him as I watched the monitors. "I want go to see Savorna. Before it blew up, that is." Savorna was an artificially made planet created to save multiple species and live together in union. Of course, conflicts happened and a civil war broke out. The generals that controlled the community couldn't do anything but blow themselves and the planet they had created up. It was tragic, yet one of the most interesting moments in history.

The Doctor's face lit up. Perhaps he was just as eager as me to see the beautiful society of 'mishaps', or just happy that the awkward tension seemed to lift from the air.

"That's a lovely choice Ophelia. I've always wanted to go there."

"So why haven't you?"

He looked at me with gently and tender eyes, wordlessly telling me that it was not anything he wished to talk of, a boundary I simply had to respect. But the Doctor was a private man who didn't quite let his guards down around me, and I felt determined to sneak into his safe zone.

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