Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV: 

Meanwhile, in the Jade Palace, A red panda named 'Shifu' was playing his flute with harmony outside of the Training Hall. beside him was the Tenno, Umbra. He was holding an Instrument called 'The shawzin'. He was playing a song that he cherished in his life. 

Unknowingly, stealthy, dark figures were making movement like lightning in the bushes. Shifu and Umbra Continue to play their song, looking oblivious on their surrounding. Suddenly, The Furious Fives appeared and lunge at Shifu. Shifu stops playing and uses his flute as a staff. He began fighting the fives and blocks all their attacks. Tigress and Crane divert their attention to Umbra, who was still playing with his Shawzin. They charged on him but Umbra quickly got his Shawzin out of the way. he starts blocking all their punches with his sheathed Nikana and dodges their kicks with speed. The Furious Five recovered from the attacks of Shifu and Umbra and brought themselves back to their stances, awaiting for the next move.

Shifu: Well done, students... if you were trying to disappoint me. 

Shifu uses his flute to point at the Furious Five, who were bowing at him with respect while Umbra placed his Sheathed Nikana back to his side. 

Shifu: Umbra, would you do the honors? 

Umbra: Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey, greater speed. Crane—height. Viper—subtlety. Mantis—

Zeng: Master Shifu! Master Umbra! 

Shifu and Umbra glance at the direction of their palace messenger, Zeng. Shifu looked impatient in front of him. 

Shifu: What? 

Zeng: Aah! It's Master Oogway. He wants to see you both. 

Shifu and Umbra looked at each other, wondering what does Master Oogway what with them. Both of them run off to the palace and headed to the door. Both entered and halt at the presence of Oogway. They both bowed before him. 

Shifu:  Master Oogway? You summoned us. 

Umbra: Is something wrong? 

Oogway:  Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friends? 

Shifu: So...nothing's wrong. 

Oogway: Well, I didn't say that. 

Umbra and Shifu glance at Oogway with confusion. Oogway was blowing candles one by one. Shifu grew impatient and decided to use Kung fu skills to blow all the candles while Umbra remained to bow. 

Shifu:  You were saying?

Oogway: I have had a vision: Tai Lung will return.

Shifu's face became stricken by this and Umbra looked at Oogway, alarmed. They suddenly saw a Figure of Tai Lung in their vision. Shifu was about to speak but Umbra beat him. 

Umbra: That is impossible! He is in prison! 

Oogway: Nothing is impossible.

Shifu: Zeng! Fly to Chorh-Gom Prison and tell them to double the guards, double their weapons. Double everything! Tai Lung does not leave that prison! 

Zeng: Yes, Master Shifu! 

Zeng Left the palace, making his journey to Chorh-Gom Prison. 

Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

Shifu: W-we have to do something. We can't just let him march on the Valley and take his revenge! He'll, he'll—

Oogway: Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. 

Umbra, Shifu, and Oogway stared in the water and Oogway pointed his staff to the intricately-carved dragon clutching a scroll in its mouth. 

Umbra: The Dragon Scroll...

Oogway:  It is time. 

Shifu: But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? 

Umbra: To become... the Dragon Warrior?

Oogway:  I don't know.

Umbra and Shifu were staring at Oogway with confusion. Oogway smiled at their bewildered faces. The question that was lingering in Umbra's mind was: 

Who is the Dragon Warrior?

End of Chapter 1

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