4. Dear Straight People

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(Poem inspired by the one at the side. Some lines were taken from the poem, so if you think it sounds somewhat familiar, that's why)
Dear Straight People,
When did you know you were straight?
Are you sure you're really straight or is it just a phase?
You're not saying this to get attention, are you?
How'd you come out to your parents?
How do you have sex?

I don't sit here and ask you
these questions, so why
do you think it's alright
to ask me?

Dear Straight People,
Why should I have to prove
my love is authentic?
Why is it so wrong for
me to kiss the one I love
in public and maybe hold
her hand?
Why am I seen as a fetish
to every single porn site?
Why is it so wrong being who
I am?

Dear Straight People,
Why do you constantly try to
force me into being something
I'm not?

Just because I'm not
like you doesn't mean
I'm diseased.
I don't have thorns
growing from my ears
or spines poking out
the skin of my back.

Dear Straight People,
Stop staring at me as
I walk down the street
like I'm going to kill someone.

Dear Straight People,
Don't worry --
Being gay isn't contagious.

The only thing that's diseased
here is your homophobia.


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