Chapter 13: Leaving the Heart

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Aryn awoke to the loud shuffling of Mira. She scrunched her eyes closed as the plants overhead glowed slightly brighter and pulled the covers over her head with a groan. She took a sharp breath as the blanket was suddenly jerked away by her friend, who picked her up by her shoulders with her lower arms and sat her up on the edge of the bed. "Wake up, we've got a long day ahead."

"What time is it?" she asked while stretching her arms with a long yawn.

"It is breakfast time," the Hoconin said while looking back at her. "I helped Basileus cook some of the meat he collected. It's very delicious."

Mira shrugged and looked around at the wooden walls decorated with murals and abstract tapestries. She pulled her massive double-bladed swords from her bag and placed them on strange holsters on her back that held them in place without any visible means of doing so. "Do you know something strange?"

"What's that?" Aryn asked as she put on her shoes.

"I received a dream last night. In it a woman I did not know said that Yrhidan is not our end goal. That is where the Redwick guild sought refuge, correct?"

"That's what Lady Redwick said in the message," she replied as she shouldered her backpack. "But that is weird. You never remember your dreams!"

"That is why I am troubled," the Hoconin murmured. "She did not sound pleased to speak. I don't think we will find the answer to our problem in Yrhidan."

"Then let's go talk to the guildmaster!"

Aryn collected her things into her bag and followed the Hoconin out of their room. Once Mira opened the door, they noticed that everyone else was already gathered around a long wooden table eating a variety of meats and Ardaic cuisine and talking as though nothing was wrong. Aryn sighed softly before making eye contact with Milo, who gestured to several open seats beside him. The duo strode around the table, loading their plates with all manner of food before taking their seats next to him. She looked over at him with a friendly smile. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," he replied between bites of food. "How did you sleep?"

"Oh my gosh, those beds are amazing!" she beamed. "I don't know what they're made of, but I want one brought back to the guild!"

Mira heartily agreed, and Milo nodded with a soft smile. "That's good."

"How about you? Was Derek alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, he was good," Milo replied half-heartedly.

"He's been very quiet this trip," Mira observed. "Why is that?"

"Did you not hear that he whooped Derek's butt a second time before we left Crescent Town?" Aryn asked with a small laugh.

Mira nearly choked on her stew as she stifled a laugh. "Did he really?"

"Yeah! Milo, tell her!"

Milo smiled shyly and waved his hand dismissively. "I don't..."

"Okay, so we're walking through town, about to go to the beach, right?" Aryn proceeded to tell the entire story as she ate, sparing no details of the ensuing fight. Milo simply nodded in agreement as Mira listened in, and by the time she finished, they had little time to finish their food before Kova's voice rang out above the chatter, causing everyone's conversations to fall short.

"Guildmates! I hope you've all had a decent night's sleep! Jasper and I have been working closely last night with Auxi and Levan to determine the best route to take through the forest now that the temporal singularity has affected our original path. Auxi believes that she can still transport us to Noksolbis using the heart of magic's energy combined with her axe, but it would require us to leave our Kaibos in their care for the time being until we return. Any questions?"

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