Chapter 09: Secrets Unfolded Part 03.

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Natalie rolled over, and noticed that her clock said 9:73 P.M. Natalie then got up, and noticed that her legs, arms, and mouth returned to her as she got out of bed. "That was one weird dream," Natalie said.

Suddenly, Natalie felt pain coming from inside her stomach, and started to crouch in pain. "Ow, what's this pain in my chest," Natalie said. "Could it be-" Natalie stopped herself, and realized that she was asleep during the time she was with the Agent Smith clones. "I need a doctor," Natalie said, and went to her closet to pull out a rain coat, because she noticed it was raining outside when she woke up. After grabbing a raincoat, Natalie walked out the door, and left.

"I know it's a bit late for me to walk into the streets, but I have no other choice," Natalie thought. "My best friend got turned into a clone of the guy we stocked yesterday, my ex boyfriend appeared to try and save me, and now I have a worm like creature inside my chest, that is going to kill me." Natalie stopped, and felt pain again.

Afterwards when she stopped at the end of the suburbs, Natalie crouched after feeling her stomach get poked by the worm inside her. "I am going to die, if I don't get help soon," Natalie thought. Suddenly, Natalie's luck changed when a black van stopped in her location. Two teenage boys wearing the same clothing Natalie's ex wore, got out of the van, and brought her into the van. "Alright, she's in Emit," one of them said. "Now all we need to do is get the bug out of her body."

Emit was a teenager who had a bowled cut wearing glasses, and lab coat on the left side of the car. "Excellent work, Mark," Emit explained. "But before we get the bug out of this girl, we need to locate." "Damn, when Vito said he was dating a cute girl at the private school, he wasn't kidding," Mark commented. "Focus," Vito said, revealing himself next to Natalie. "We're here to save my ex from dying, not complimenting her looks. Doc, get the X-ray out." "On it," Emit said, and opened his surgical bag. "What, what's going on?" Natalie asked. "We'll explain later," Emit answered, and pulled out a device that had a 15 width long black screen that you can see inside of bodies, and was attached to a handle that on an on, and off switch on the bottom of the handle.

Emit looked through the device, and noticed the worm creature in Natalie's stomach. "Just as I suspected," Emit explained. "The creature is already making it's first move. It's going to eat one of her lungs first." "WHAT?" Natalie panicked. "Did you bring the vacuum to get the creature out?" Vito asked. "I never forget when it comes to getting bugs out," Emit answered, and pulled out a device that had a small long tube, attached to a bag. Emit extended the tube of the device, and turned it on. "This should be long enough for the bug to crawl through," Emit said. "I'll dispose of it once it's in the bag."


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