(IX) The First Time I Kinda Believed

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Emilio's POV

The past few weeks had been eventful. I sat on the edge of my bed, pondering the events of yesterday. I don't know what happened. One minute I was watching the students and the other, one of them was laying on the ground wailing.

Alexia was beyond angry at me. I mean she had a right to be. She really wasn't a delinquent but trouble follows me.

I took up my poetry book and read the pieces I had written before. After I took it from Lexi I had stuffed it in my drawer. It wasn't like I was trying to be rude or anything but this book was like my whole life in riddles. The essence of my entire being was in this book.

All of a sudden I felt compelled to write. I had found inspiration in a place I didn't think to look. In Alexia.


The First Time I Kinda Believed

The two pools of dark brown swim around on a white backdrop.
They shun like diamonds in a world  starved of light.
Loose spirals formed a crown that complemented the dark brown pigment of her entire being.

That was one of the shortest pieces I have ever written but those 42 words held so much emotion.

I closed the book and made a decision I hope wouldn't come back and bite me in the butt.

I walked to the kitchen where I saw Alexia busy cooking up something on the stove. She was still angry with me. I didn't blame her, I really f**ked up this time but I did what needed to be done. I couldn't disappoint my parents this semester, they really tried with me.

"Good morning. How did you sleep last night?"


Alexia didn't answer.

"The sky looks beautiful today."


No answer.

"Come on, Alexia. I said I'm sorry. This is not my part in this relationship. You are the one that is supposed to be begging me to talk to you."

She slammed down the spatula on the counter and said," First of all we do not have a relationship and second of all leave me alone. Since when have you become Mr. Nice?"

" Well I'm assuming we are friends."

"You assumed wrong," she snapped back.

I ignored that and asked,"Do you want to read a poem I wrote. It about a girl I know."

I got her attention this time. She walked over to the dining table and I opened the book to the poem I had just written. Her eyes quickly scanned over the words.

"This is beautiful Emilio. She must be very special to you." Alexia made a suggestive smile. "Is there something you need to tell me? Is she a girl from our class. Does she kno-"

"Woah! Slow down with the questions. Why are you so interested to talk to me all of a sudden. A few minutes ago you were ignoring me. I think it's my turn to give you the silent treatment now." I let out a little chuckle.

Alexia smiled. "Forget about that, I forgive you. Tell me who the girl is please.Do I know her? ."

"Yes you do. Her name begins with...
a letter of the alphabet.

Alexia's palm connected to my shoulder." Ow! What was that for?!?

"No shit Sherlock. Of course her name starts with a letter of the alphabet. Come on. Don't be a buzz-kill. For once we're actually getting along and you're spoiling it."

I let out another chuckle. I seemed to be chuckling a lot more lately. I wonder if it is something in the food. I usually only got satisfaction from tormenting others but for the first time in a long time, I was genuinely happy.

My nose perked up. "Alexia, do you smell that?"

"Yeah. I thought it was my mind. It smells like something is burning."

We shared a frightened look and both shouted out in unison," THE STOVE!"

We jumped out of the chairs, pushing them over on the impact and ran over to the stove.

We turned off the gas and used damp towels to put out the small blaze.

"Whew!" I exclaimed, wiping sweat from my forehead." You almost burnt down my house."

"It's your fault. You shouldn't have distracted me."

"Well I guess breakfast is destroyed. What are we gonna do? We can't even leave the house.?"

"We'll figure something out, Emilio."

We shared one last glance at each other before tumbling over in a fit of laughter.

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