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"It's good to have you back", Jimin gave Taehyung a fake smile. They were sitting around the kitchen table of Jimin's apartment, Lyza by the older's side, Taehyung across from them. "I'm glad to be back", Taehyung hummed, not meaning what he said at all. But what do they say? It's always good to be close to your enemy.
"So, I've got another job for you", Jimin hummed, "There's this house across town, well they have too much money, I'd say you got get in and if they come your way, you'll kill them. I want at least 100 thousand when you come out of there. Get the money or try find something that's equally worth this amount."

Lyza only gulped, looking at both of them for a while, trying to hold back her opinion on that.

"Okay and what did they do wrong? Like, I feel like there should be a reason for killing someone", Taehyung crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Excuse me?", Jimin scoffed, "Is that a serious question right now?"

"Yea", Taehyung shrugged, "Give me a reason why I should kill a person."

"They have too much money and they don't share", Jimin snapped at the other, "And this time, you better don't let your morals get in the way!"

"What do you mean with that?", Lyza interrupted the two of them, unable to keep quiet. She hated the amount of stupidity they shared. Killing innocent people had never been something she supported but sadly she got caught up in all this drama when she found out that Jimin might know where her child is at.

"Just that Taehyung recently struggled a lot to do his job", Jimin groaned, "And if he does again, I'm not paying him his money, is that clear?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Why do you never kill the people yourself?"
"I don't wanna go to jail if someone finds proof", Jimin laughed, "Your life sucks anyway, so."

Well, he got a point with that.
Taehyung sighed, "Fine, give me the address and everything."

Lyza now interrupted again, "I'm leaving this afternoon by the way", she blurted out and Jimin's face froze immediately. He balled his fists, anger crawling up his throat as he turned his head towards his girlfriend, "You still won't give up on looking for that stupid kid?"

Taehyung's heart ached a little when he mentioned the kid. The kid Taehyung was holding hostage and maybe, just a little, got attached to it.
"If you had a child, you'd understand."

"Hey, what about the boy you had it with? Do you want him back too?", Taehyung asked her in a small voice.
"I mean-", Lyza hesitated, looking at Jimin anxiously. She couldn't say the wrong thing if she still needed his help. "I just want my kid, that's all that counts", she lied.

"Your kid is fucking dead, Lyza, oh my god!", Jimin suddenly yelled out. "You won't find it, it's dead and your lovely Taehyung killed it himself!!!"

"What", she asked bluntly before her eyes glanced at Taehyung, in absolute disbelief. "What did you just say?!"

Taehyung felt like his whole world was crashing down.
"Yeah", Jimin groaned, "He messed up his job and killed the wrong person." That was a straightup lie and Taehyung felt like knocking Jimin out right here, right now. "What?!", he snapped at the older. "You-"

"What?", Jimin laughed, "I told you the exact address and you went to the wrong house. That's what he messed up, he killed your boyfriend and your kid. This dumbass."

Lyza wasn't saying a word, holding tears back.

"This asshole right here, killed your child! Now get down from your throne and stop looking for it everywhere, maybe you should check out the graveyard."

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