Chap 16

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Third Person's POV

A year later they're all having a picnic. "Any word from him?" asked Jayk.

"Jonnie hasn't contacted us since that night," said Drew.

"Well, I'm glad we can keep going with out relationship," said Alexis.

"We're signed on with a different label that allows us to," said Devin. "And even have you girls signed on."

"I believe I just found your biggest fear," said Drew.

"Yeah," said Beth. "You guys are afraid of losing us."

"Yeah," said Blake. "I mean, I can't imagine a life without meeting you guys."

"Why does it have to be so hard for stars to have a relationship?" asked Drew. "It's our life. I mean, I know most stars keep it on the DL but it's hard to."

"Yeah," said Alexis. "I can't imagine spending a second away from Jayk. He means everything to me."

"Maybe that little thing was to teach us a lesson," said Madison. "That love is stronger than anything we've ever dreamed of."

"You can say that again," said Cynthia.

"Look, the only thing that matters is that we're with our Romeo," said Britt.

"And you girls got a record label," said TC. "The girl group we now know as Break Free."

"How'd you come up with the name?" asked Drew. "Just curious."

"Everyone has a fear right?" asked Cynthia. The guys nodded."Well, we all have to over come it one way or another."

"I got over the fear of my stage fright," said Beth.

"You guys got over the fear of losing the girls," said Cynthia. "Now, you know you'll never lose them."

"Exactly," said Alexis. "That's why we chose our name to be Break Free."

A/N: That's the end of the fanfic. I think that was a sucky ending. I don't know. There are new fanfics coming soon. Read some that I already have up if you haven't. So this story is now complete. Please check out the stories that aren't completed for updates on those. Xoxo ~Alexis

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