Chap 7

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Cynthia's POV

"Yeah, we might just be starting out but we love our fans," I said. "We care for you. You're family."

"And with people sending me pictures like that, it hurts me," said Blake. "I have a huge heart and I care a lot."

"That's true," Madison and Alexis said in unison.

"They can elaborate on that," I said.

"Well, I am, of course, Blake's Juliet. He's just sweet and caring," said Madison. "He does have a big heart and he cares a lot for his fans."

"I used to be a Blake Juliet and when I was he was always so sweet and caring towards me. He made me smile a lot," said Alexis. "I'm a Jayk Juliet now but Blake still does care and once you tell him your his Juliet, he's not going to let you go."

"And the funny thing is, the switching lanes thing, Alexis is driving a huge truck in between the lines of Blake and Jayk," said Drew. "In reality she drives a SLS mercedes. Like Alexis, your car can fit in one lane."

"And my car is situated in Jayk's lane," Alexis smiled.

"Alexis has always been on Jayk's mind," I said. "You can tell."

"You care about her," said Emma.

"Yeah, she's my best friend," I said. "My little asian."

"Thanks Cynthia," said Alexis.

"So, I see matching jerseys," said Tina.

"Oh, yeah," said Drew.

"Juliets and Romeos?" asked Emma.

"Actually, Drew's and mine says best friends," I said. "Everyone else has Romeo or Juliet."

"We're wearing matching jerseys because we're going to be singing a duet with each other and then closing with Save Some Snow," said Drew. "Spice up this performance a little bit and show the fans something different."

"But before all that madness happens, us girls are performing Really Don't Care," I said.

"You're up," said Jonnie. "That's all the time they have." He handed us each a mic. "Rock it girls."

"Thanks Jonnie," I said. "Ready to do this?"

"Ready," said Britt. "Beth?"

"I'm good," said Beth.

"Let's rock out like we never did before," I said. "More than what we did at Athens."

Beth's POV

We got onstage. "How's everyone doing tonight?" I asked. The intro started playing. "We're going to cover Really Don't Care for you tonight and we hope you enjoy it."

We started dancing. "You wanna play. You wanna stay. You wanna have it all. You started messing with my head until I hit a wall," sang Cynthia. "Maybe I should've know. Maybe I should've known. That you would walk, you would walk out the door."

"Hey!" we exclaimed.

"Said we were done, then met someone and rubbed it in my face. Cut to the part, she broke your heart. And then she ran away," I sang. "I gues you should've known. I guess you should've know. That I would talk, I would talk."

"But even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care," we sang as we kept dancing. "Even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care."

"I can't believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you. You don't deserve the way I used to think about you," sang Madison. "Oh no, not anymore. Oh no, not anymore. You had your shot, had your shot but you let..."

"Go!" we sang.

"Now if we meet out of the street I won't be running scared," sang Alexis as we interacted with the audience. "I'll walk right up to you and pur one finger in the air. And make you understand." We got back into formation and started dancing. "And make you understand. You had your chance, had your chance."

"But even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care," we sang. "Even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care."

"Yeah! Listen up. Hey, hey. Never look back. Dumb struck boy. Ego intact," sang Alexis. "Look boy, why you so mad? Second guessing but should've hit that."

"Hey girlies, you picked the wrong lova. You shoulda picked that one. He's cuter than the other," rapped Brittany. "I just wanna laugh 'cause you're tryna be a hipster. Kick him to the curb. Take a polaroid picture."

We started interacted with the audience. "But even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care," we sang as we stood across the front edge of the stage. "Even if the stars and moon collide." We started dancing. "I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care. Oh, oh, oh. I really don't care."

The song ended and the fans screamed. "The first duet is going to be covered by Drew from After Romeo and Cynthia," I said as Cynthia stayed onstage with me and the other girls got off. "She'll be singing Best Friends Forever with him." I got off as Drew got onstage. "The perfect best friend's song ever."

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