Chapter 6

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After Harry put his things away in his dorm, he walked to the Great Hall with Hermione. She was glancing around for any signs of Ron but neither of them spotted him anywhere. Harry just smiled at her.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." He said sitting down at the table. 

She sat down across from him and nodded. "Okay, if you're sure."

Suddenly, new students all wearing black robes came walking in looking nervous and Harry recognised them right away as the new first years who were about to be sorted. It only felt like yesterday when it happened to him.

He saw Ginny shaking nervously and sent her a comforting smile.

They each got called up, some heading off to Slytherin and gaining cocky looks from their table, some ending up in Ravenclaw and getting handshakes, some ending up in Hufflepuff and being greeted with hugs and some ending up in Gryffindor where they'd all cheer loudly. 

Ginny was one of the people who ended up in his house. The hat had yelled out "Gryffindor!" almost as soon as it touched her head and she turned bright red, running straight for their table whilst her twin brothers laughed at her and Percy shook her hand.

Harry and Hermione just smiled as she sat down near them.

There was still no sign of Ron anywhere by the time the food had came out onto the table. When Harry looked around, he spotted that there was also no sign of Professor Snape up at the High Table. He internally sighed. That means Ron must have done something idiotic and got himself into trouble and now the teachers have to take care of it.

He knew it was selfish, but he was glad he wasn't with Ron right now. He couldn't fathom getting into any amount of trouble he's about to go through.

Hermione must have thought the same thing because she leaned over the table to whisper to him. "Why is Snape gone? Has Ron done something? Maybe he got himself injured."

"Maybe he got fired." Fred joked.

"Yeah, since nobody likes him." George grinned.

Percy shook his head. "We'd be informed already. I mean, look at Professor Lockhart now just sitting there. If we had a new teacher, surely there'd be an announcement."

Harry nodded. "He's right. I think Professor Snape is off doing something."

"Like what?" Fred asked with wide eyes.

Harry just frowned at him. "Teacher stuff, preparing for classes." 

They looked saddened by the thought that he wasn't going too spill some evil secrets of his. Harry won't have a repeat of last year. 

He's also not going to mention that Snape is most likely dealing with their younger brother for stealing their parent's car and will most likely get expelled.

"Where is Ronniekins?" George asked. "He's missing out on food."

Harry clenched his fists. "Not sure, maybe he's in the dorms or the kitchens. We got separated at the platform."

"We didn't even see you come through!" Fred said with wide eyes. "We waited, but nothing."

"Mum was going frantic after about a minute." George said. "Thinking you got left behind. But we said you'd be fine."

"And I am."

"She was thinking about calling the bloody Aurors." Fred giggled.

"Well, tell her there's no need." Harry grinned cheerfully. 

"Wow, Harrykins, you sure are sneaky." George smirked. Harry smiled back.

"How'd you get here?" Fred asked.

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