Chapter 4

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 Ron woke up early the next morning, piercing Harry's eardrums with his screeching. 

"What is it?" He mumbled, burying his face into his pillow. 

Ron was throwing his pillows around and ripping up his bedsheets. "Scabbers! I can't find him anywhere." He said in a panicked voice.

"Maybe he just went for a walk or something." Harry lied easily, not bringing up the fact that he threw him out the window last night and potentially killed him.

"Scabbers doesn't go for walks. Have you seen him? He's fat." Ron sighed. "Where could he have gone?"

"Ron, he's a rat. He's probably smelled some food somewhere."

"You don't understand. Scabbers has been in my family for eleven years now. And he's always stayed in my bed when I woke up early in the morning. Always! He never leaves. Never." Ron said seriously. 

Harry sighed and sat up, rubbing his sore eyes. "He'll pop up, don't worry." He smiled at him reassuringly. 

"Are you sure about that?" Ron asked nervously.

Harry just gulped. Thankfully Mrs Weasley answered for him.

"Up! Come on, up you get boys. Breakfast is ready." She said, knocking on the door.

"Mother's orders." Harry said with wide eyes and ran after her, thankful he didn't have to answer Ron's question. He could only lie so much without feeling too bad.

He heard Ron mumble and follow behind him. Everyone was cheery at the breakfast table, Harry included. The only one bringing down the mood was Ron.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Fred asked.

Ron just scowled. "I can't find Scabbers."

"He's a rodent, Ronald. I don't know why you even bother keeping him around."

"Shut up, Percy!" 

"Ronald Weasley!" Mrs Weasley scolded him. "Don't yell at your older brother like that." Percy chose that moment to look cocky until she rounded on him. "And you! Don't wind up your brother when he's upset about losing his pet."

"Yeah, Percy. How would you feel if you lost your Prefect badge?" George grinned.

"Oh no, my life is over!" Fred said dramatically.

"I'm so sad and heartbroken!" George faked tears.

"What will I ever do without you?" Fred wiped his eyes.

"Nothing will ever replace you!" George swooned.

"Enough!" Percy snapped at them both.

Harry was just watching it all with wide eyes. 

'Is this what it's like to have siblings?' He thought, shocked.

Mrs Weasley eventually managed to calm them all down and set food out for them, giving Harry slightly more than the rest, telling him that he's too skinny and needs to eat. He didn't even feel offended as he knew it was true and he was happy that someone was cooking for him. It was a nice feeling to have someone look after him like this.

After breakfast when they decided to get dressed, Harry jumped back in shock when the bathroom mirror started yelling at him.

"Tuck your shirt in, scruffy!"

He glared at it and stormed off. He didn't want to waste time being offended by a mirror or end up punching it. How ridiculous. 

He went back into Ron's room and slipped on his gloves, ignoring the looks that he got from him. 

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