Kiss me, I'm Irish (sort of)

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Chapter 1

 "Oh I can't wait to go to One Direction's meet and greet today!" Rose exclaimed jumping up and down, Jenny happily joining her.

"I know right? Its all I've ever wished for!"

Suddenly, an idea popped into Rose's brain, "Hey Jenny... we should dare each other to do something around them!"

Jenny agreed, "Oh, I got one for you... Rose you have to act Irish the whole time we're in front of them, that includes an Irish accent."

"Fine. Then Jenny, you have to sing Harry a song." Rose said, grinning to herself, thinking Jenny is going to embarrass herself because she can't sing.

"Deal" The two friends chorused.

Neither did they no that 2 dares would change their lives.


After 5 hours of waiting, Rose and Jenny finally made it to the front of the line where they mentally swooned over the five angles in front of them.

"Hi love. What's your name?" Harry spoke in a deep slow voice to Jenny.

"H...i, I...I'm Je...enny."

As Jenny got the signatures from the boys and gave them her twitter, it was time to take a picture with One Direction.

As she and the boys posed for the camera, Jenny whispered to Harry. "I need to tell you something."

Harry nodded, "Go on Love."

Jenny then let her voice take over...

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flick you curls gets me overwhelmed..."

Suddenly security came over and grabbed Jenny. "Are you trying to make him deaf?" A bulky man demanded.

Jenny was about to object but Harry spoke before she got the chance, "Let go of Jenny, I think her voice is like an angles, I think I just fell in love."

 Meanwhile, Rose had to complete her dare. She greeted the boys one by one, using her Irish accent. She finally reached Niall.

Taking a deep breath she spoke in her Irish accent. "Hey Niall, I'm Rose! Kiss me I'm Irish!"

Niall smiled at Rose, "Well that makes two of us."

Rose giggled , "Niall. I'm not actually Irish."

Niall chuckled at this, I know Rose, trust me Harry tries to do an Irish accent all the time."

The two both laughed, love was unfolding between them.

Niall's next words shocked Rose. " I think I just found my Princess."

Of course Rose had dreamed of being Niall's princess. I mean what girl wouldn't want to be?

Anyway, Rose had to make sure she wasn't dreaming but this was real. " I think I just found my knight in shining amour." Rose replied smiling like an idiot.

After meet and greet, Rose and Jenny were invited to stay with the boys. Jenny and Harry lived happily ever after (only Harry thought she sang like an angel). Rose and Niall lived a fairy tale too. The princess and the knight in shining armor had to protect their kingdom, and went to train at Food Ninja School.

The End, or happily ever after.

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