Chapter 3

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      "We are going on tour!" Rose explained, a huge grin plastered on her face. 

"With One Direction!" Jenny finished the sentence, jumping up and down. This gave Jenny Deja vu of the time Rose and her were excited before meeting One Direction. "Hey Rose, remember when we were this excited when we were going to One Directions meet and greet?" 

"I know right! Imagine if we found out that we were going on tour the, I think we would have passed out!"                                                                                     

 "Exactly! I mean I nearly passed out at the thought of meeting One Direction, now we're going on tour with them today!"

Rose ditched her fully packed suitcase and hugged Jenny tight, "I'm so glad we gave each other those dares, if we hadn't I don't know if we would be in this situation right now!" 

The two girls smiled at each other, neither did any of the two know that this tour was about to make history and change their lives. 


"The wheels on the bus go round and round!" The One Direction boys sang in harmony, their voices sounding beautiful! 

Jenny decided to join in. As she sang along to the boys, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn stopped singing. Harry and Jenny kept on singing, well Harry was singing, Jenny was well... well, uh making everyone tone deaf.

"Stop!" Liam shouted, taking everyone by surprise, 

"Uh Jenny, are you singing as our opening act?"

"Uh, duh! What do you expect?!" Jenny told Liam, sounding like as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.                                                                                                   "Why don't you do what Rose is doing, she's going to pretend to be Irish and entertain the crowd." Niall offered. 

"Boring! I wanna Sing!" Jenny exclaimed Harry agreeing with her. The rest looked at each other with worry seeping into their bodies. "Let me handle this." Rose whispered in Niall's ear. 

"Jenny, I think you should do a British accent and help entertain the crowd with me!" 

"Of course I will! Jenny exclaimed, Rose breathing in relief, 

"I'm gonna sing to entertain! Now that you mention it I'll do a English accent while singing!" Rose groaned inside as Jenny 'sang' with an English accent, sounding worse than before.

How was she going to tell her friend to not sing without hurting her feelings? Zayn came to the rescue, "Shouldn't you have singing lessons, uh, before you preform?" A look of horror crossed both Harry and Jenny's faces, 

"Are you serious??!!" They both exclaimed. Jenny looked utterly hurt, nice one Zayn.                                                                                                                                                        "I don't need singing lesson, I'm ready to impress the crowd!" Jenny said in a matter of fact voice, Harry nodding his head agreeing with Jenny.                                                                                                  

Rose was now seriously worried, how could she let her friend embarrass her self in front of thousands of people, not to mention there will be heaps of cameras, She would become the laughing stock on the internet, how could she save her friend? Rose better think of something very quickly as the tour bus was reaching their first destination soon, tonight would be their first performance in Bradford, United Kingdom.

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