1. Izuki Shun: Dog Days

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1.  Izuki Shun: Dog Days

A year and a half ago, your parents bought a female American Staffordshire terrier and named her Blossom. She was one of the most adorable puppies you’ve ever seen with a stocky tan-and-white body and huge curious eyes.

As she grew up, Blossom went from thirteen pounds to nearly sixty. She was pure muscle and intimidated everyone that didn’t already know her incredibly timid scaredy-cat nature. Blossom got excited easily and would throw herself at people’s feet the moment she saw them and whine until she was petted by them.

It was a sunny afternoon when you had to take her on a walk. You plugged in your earbuds and listened to your music, losing yourself in your favorite songs. Apparently, you lost yourself too much because a jogger walked past you and Blossom charged after her.

“Blossom, no!” You yelped as your earbuds fell out. You yanked back on her leash and she strained against it, wildly wriggling in your grasp as she tried to go after her. “Blossom, stop. Sit. Stay.”

Blossom stared at you pleadingly and whined as she strained against the leash. You frowned and ran your hands through your hair, thoroughly exasperated with her antics. A song you didn’t care for came on and you paused to change it and the moment you put your phone back in your pocket Blossom charged forwards. You yelped as the leash caught on your ankles yanked you off the ground.

The sidewalk tore at your skin and you hissed as a sharp burning sensation enflamed the area. Your hands and knees were covered in scrapes and you dully noted to eat more vitamins in the future. You looked up and saw Blossom wriggling at your side then to the hand right in front of you. Looking up, your cheeks turned pink as you recognized your boyfriend, Izuki Shun.

“You said you loved me already, but apparently you’re still falling.” He smiled, giggling like a little kid at his pun.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed onto his hand and he helped you to your feet. “Haha, you’re so funny.”

“I’m the best.” He said. He grabbed your hand and kissed the small cut on your knuckle. “There, it’s all better now.”

Izuki handed Blossom’s leash to you and she threw himself at his feet and rolled onto her back so her belly was facing up. She whined until he petted her then she barked and jumped to her feet. He was too slow and received a lick across the face and he stumbled back with a slightly grossed out face.

“What a pawful greeting.” You snickered.

Izuki’s eyes shone and he snapped his fingers. “Wow, you’re really begging me for my jokes, aren’t you?”

“Can we paws this and just talk regularly, Shun-kun?” You asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Okay,” he agreed.

He took out one of his infamous joke books from his messenger bag and began to scrawl down the conversation the two of you just had. You smiled at his antics and couldn’t help but adore his dorkiness. Tons of girls at school would crush on him before they found it his strange habit of randomly making puns. Some of them were funny but others made you sweatdrop.

“Okay, okay, one last one.” Izuki insisted, giving you puppy-dog eyes. “I swear I’ll stop after I tell you it.”

Blossom shared a despaired look with you and you sighed. “Fine, go ahead.”

He bit back his laughter and clasped his hands together. “What does one toilet say to another toilet when flirting?”

“‘Wow, you look flushed’?” You guessed.

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