The Book

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Clearsight rolled out of bed and walked toward her desk. She thought about what Darkstalker had said. He wanted her to make something that would remind the world he was still here. She smiled a little, thinking about him.

She would make something that would be dedicated to him because that was the least she could do for him.

Nobody but Clearsight and Fathom had even bothered to see Darkstalker's good side. He did have one, despite popular opinion. He deserved better. It wasn't all his fault he grew up the way he did and all. He just had a bad life nobody could've prevented.

He was sweet, caring, and mostly considerate. He knew when to drag Clearsight out of her room to take a quick flight. He made her feel special and he stood up for his sister, Whiteout.

He wasn't just a crazy killer, as all the NightWings had seen him.

Darkstalker had a softer side and Clearsight and Fathom believed they could bring that out. Unfortunately, Darkstalker had other ideas.

She sighed and Sunstreak walked in.

"Feeling better, Clearsight?" Sunstreak asked. He shuffled nervously and looked her in the eyes.

"Yeah," Clearsight answered, looking at the desk.

Sunstreak walked up to her and put a wing around her and a claw on her shoulder. Clearsight leaned into him and he let her.

"You have to let him go if we're ever going to work out," he whispered.

"I know, I just don't know how to," she answered calmly. He was right and Clearsight was trying but she just couldn't. She may never let go of Darkstalker.

You have to, for Sunstreak, Clearsight reminded herself.

"I have an idea," he claimed, pulling away from her. She looked at him, eyes wide. "What if you made a book for our descendants that helped them know what was going to happen? You said Darkstalker loved your ability. So make him proud."

"I love it! Thank you so much, Sunstreak, for... for everything," Clearsight stated, looking him in the eyes. 

"Why did you leave him if you're still attached to him?" Sunstreak asked.

"I saw a brighter future with you. You were going to be the one to help me push past everything and be the one truly meant for me. Darkstalker was sweet and caring at first but abused his abilities. He had to go. You, however, are nearly perfect," she answered. 

He smiled and they leaned in for a kiss.

She wrote and wrote about as many futures that were more likely to become true instead of every possible future. It got harder as the book went on because a clear future is harder to see as time passes.

She furrowed her brows and Sunstreak walked in.

"Honey, I know this is helping you get over him but you should come fly with me," he said, grinning.

"You could've just said, 'come fly with me,' you know. I'm not always thinking about Darkstalker or the future," Clearsight slightly growled. It annoyed her that Sunstreak thought she didn't care about him and that all she focused on was her past life.

"It's not my fault you flew back to the Distant Kingdoms to talk to your ex and decided to spend the vast majority of your life focused on a book in his memory! Where am I in this future?! You're always talking about 'us' but yet you chose to be here all day for him instead of being here now with me... I can't... I don't think my soulmate is you," Sunstreak snapped. She saw tears beginning to spring in his eyes. "Go back to him."

"I can't! He'll destroy the world if I release him for my own selfish reasons!" Clearsight yelled.

"Don't drag me into this, Clearsight! I can't be Darkstalker! I can't just wait around for you forever!" Sunstreak roared. Clearsight felt the water beginning to come into her eyes.

"I wasn't trying to drag you into this and I don't want you to be him. I want you to be you. But I also want some peace and quite!"

"If you want this much alone time, maybe you should be single."

Clearsight began to cry and Sunstreak stormed out of the room. Clearsight messed up her second chance. Most dragons hardly get a second chance and she had destroyed hers. 

Moments later, someone else entered the room. Clearsight looked up and through her blurry eyes to see a BeetleWing that looked like Sunstreaks's older sister at the doorway with a LeafWing next to her.

"Hey, my friend, Aspen and I are here to talk," Moonlight, Sunstreak's sister, claimed.

"What do you two want to tell me?" Clearsight asked, trying to stop crying. She wiped her tears away and held the others back.

"As you may know, Moonlight and I are engaged but she has accused me of being crazy and Sunstreak accused my sister, Oakley, of being crazy. Oakley and I both have very powerful leafspeak but Oakley's is even stronger than mine. Anyway, I just wanted to say your advanced powers don't make you useless or crazy but instead they are a gift. Take Oakley and myself for example, we also can chose when and where we use our powers. We only use them in times of need. You should do the same," Aspen, the LeadWing, stated.

Moonlight leaned into him and Clearsight had a vision.

Moonlight and Aspen sat next to what seemed to be their dragonet and her husband. Their great- grand dragonets wrestled with their dragonets. Moonlight and Aspen would live a long time.

"Birch, what did your grand- dragonet just say?" Moonlight asked Birch.

"She said she was going to become Queen of the LeafWings and be the best ruler," Birch answered. "She thinks Queen Sequoia for a future daughter would sound fantastic. So fantastic, that she wishes her name was Sequoia."

"She does realize I married Prince Aspen so unless I take the throne, that's not going to happen," Moonlight asked Birch.

"Queen Maple has no successors. Which means you get it, then me, and the cycle goes on," Birch answered.

"Ah, that's right," Moonlight laughed.

"You're losing it, mom," Birch pointed out.

"Nothing has been the same since Clearsight passed away thirty years ago," Aspen whispered from over Moonlight's shoulder.

"At least Sunstreak and Clearsight passed away together, happily," Moonlight pointed out. "You were lucky to meet her, Birch."

"That I was," Birch stated.

Clearsight stared at Moonlight and Aspen. Prince Aspen, as he forgot to mention.

"You good, Your Majesty?" Aspen asked.

"I thought I asked everyone to just call me by name?" Clearsight questioned, avoiding Aspens question.

"Maybe. But your royalty here, therefore you have the royal title," Moonlight answered. "You can see the future!"

Clearsight wasn't going to fight them too. They thought she was special but really, Clearsight was another NightWing.

That was at Pyrrhia. Here, I have a new start and a new chance with everyone. I can be special.

But Sunstreak needs to know he's special as well. I'm making him feel unwanted and not important enough. It's my fault our future may not work.

Which means I have to fix that.

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