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Clearsight opened her wings and leaped out of the cave. She beat her wings as hard as she could so that she could escape this place. The place that reminded her of all the good times she had with Darkstalker and how she felt guilty about trapping him.

He was willing to take her back, even after the incident. But Clearsight had obligations elsewhere. What if I free him now? Clearsight wondered. She most likely wouldn't but she was curious.

Curious to see if it would work because she wanted him back. Badly.

She focused on that future as hard as she could. It was hard to find, seeing as to how unlikely it was that she would free him.

Darkstalker was asleep on the hard, cold stone as Clearsight inched toward him, still debating her choice on freeing him. Could they ever be happy together, even after this? Would he ever trust her enought not to leave her under a spell?

Clearsight sighed and tore the bracelet off his wrist. Darkstalker got up and stretched. She met his stunning black eyes and he stared at her deep- purple eyes with sympathy.

"Clearsight!" he exclaimed. "You made the right choice, my darling. I know we stared out rough but this will work in the end. Do you trust me?"

"Of course!" she answered enthusiastically as he brushed the side of her snout gently with his right claw. A tingling sensation chorused through her body. Suddenly, she had no memory of why she was here, what she was doing, or why Darkstalker looked so insane.

Was this a bad idea?

It was hard for her to form her own thoughts. She couldn't. She just thought about obeying Darkstalker, being his queen, and taking over the world with him.

"Alright! Let's take over the world together, you an me," he claimed, grabbing her right talon with his. She grinned. "First, the NightWings. Do I want IceWings? Yes, for slaves, possibly. Ooh, this is going to be so MUCH FUN! Let's go!"

Clearsight followed out of the cave without a single question and smiled, blindly following him. He was so handsome and sweet to her.

She pulled herself out of the vision only to get sucked into another one.

She sat by his side, as their own dragonets bowed down to them. Clearsight was adorned in jewelry and Darkstalker grinned. She saw dragons dying, dragons hurting, and dragons scared out of their minds. All she could do, was watch. Watch the pain and suffering and be unable to do anything.

Panatelan dragons were even bowing to him.

Blood was all over the floor ranging from a deep red to ice- cold blue.

Dragons were suffering and their dragonets and all of their descendants would suffer from Darkstalker's wraith forever. No one could stop him now, not even Clearsight.

All of that was her fault.

Clearsight pulled herself out of the vision involving Darkstalker. It was clear, she couldn't do it. Because when she had first defeated him, he trusted her enough not to put her under a spell. If she released him, he wouldn't make that mistake again.

Then he would be unbeatable. Pyrrhia and even Panatela won't be able to escape. If that happened, the world would need to explode.

Could that even kill him? Could Darkstalker potentially live in space and among the stars if he was immortal?

Clearsight shook her head. It won't happen, she reminded herself. He's trapped and I always check the future before making huge decisions like that.

Besides, her common sense was still intact.

Clearsight flew back to her second lover, Sunstreak. Poor Sunstreak, he just got caught in the middle of Clearsight trapping her boyfriend, losing her tribe's trust, and nearly getting the world destroyed.

She should give him a break.

After several days of flying, she had finally reached Panatela again. Clearsight was thankful none of the storms had bothered her on the way back.

"OH MY MOONS!" Sunstreak exclaimed. He barreled into Clearsight, pulling her into a tight hug. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

Clersight grunted and said, "I'm sorry, I took a long trip flying. I haven't got to sleep, really."

"You've been gone for so long, I thought you died or left me..." Sunstreak trailed off, realeasing her from his death- grip.

"Sunstreak, oh Sunstreak. I would never leave you. I know the future and I know you're my soulmate. I would never leave you," Clearsight stated. It was true, he was her true soulmate, no matter how much she had loved Darkstalker, this was the future set in stone. No matter how many different futures she saw, this one was going to happen anyway.

So she might as well accept it.

He let out a sigh and shut his eyes. He opened them, clearly fighting off tears. "C'mon, let's get you to our home and in bed," he claimed.

Clearsight nodded, too tired to do much else. She knew she could never go back to Pyrrhia again. It was hard enough to convince herself Darkstalker had to stay trapped but her urge to release him was so great, even after her vision, that she knew she could never go back to Pyrrhia. Panatela was her home now and Sunstreak was her soulmate.

Darkstalker and Pyrrhia were ancient history now.

But they'd always be the part of her she would never be able to get rid of.

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