Hospital Visits

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Jenna shut the door and that left me inside with her and Elena. "What are you doing?" Jenna asked Elena. Yeah, that's what I'd like to know. And I defended her. I said she wasn't Katherine. Could have fooled me!

"I don't wanna talk about it," Elena dodged the question, looking sort of confused by the fact that she was asked that question. She looked at me and I glared back at her. She turned around and walked upstairs, to her room I'm assuming.

I sighed and looked at Jenna. She looked unhappy too. I hugged Jenna then left. I met Damon at the car and he began to talk, "I'm sorry. It was wrong but she kissed me back-"

"Shut up! Do you know what you just did? To your own brother! Steffy! Oh, my god! He's going to be so upset," I cried, beginning to punch Damon repeatedly in the chest. He stopped me and began to talk more. "Shut up!" I shouted.

I pushed him out the way and got in the passenger seat. Just then I got a phone call from Tyler. I watched Damon get in the car and he started it immediately. I answered the phone to talk to my boyfriend. He should be home and safe now. Thank god. He was fine, he was talking to me and he wasn't dead...unlike his father.

"Babe, I have to tell you something," Tyler began. Oh god. What now?


Chapter One

"Babe, I have to tell you something," Tyler said. Oh god. What now? Please tell me that he's okay. I can't deal with any more drama tonight. I nearly died and my bestfriend made out with my fake sister, his brother's girlfriend.

"Just tell me Ty. Wait. Are you okay?"

"Um y-yeah," he stuttered.

"Ty, what's wrong? Where are you?" I asked.

"I just got home."

"Just now?"

"Yes. My mom just told me some news about my dad," he whispered.

"Ty. Baby, what happened?"

"He's dead. My mom said he died in that fire that happened to tonight," he croaked.

"Oh god," I replied, cringing. I knew this already and I couldn't save him. I tried. I really did.

"I'm fine," Ty lied.

"I'm coming over right now."

"No, I'm fine. I jsut left the hospital. You need to go there. It's Caroline."

"What?" I asked.

"Sheriff Forbes left me a voicemail. Caroline was in a car accident. She's going into a surgery. They don't know much of anything else, well at least she didn't say anything," Damon told me.

"Ty, what happened tonight?"

"I don't know babe. I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's fine. It's fine. Are you alright? Wait! What about Matt?" I asked in concern. I whispered to Damon to go to the hospital. I needed to see Care right now.

"No he's fine. We got into a car accident. I'll explain later. C-can you come over?" He asked.

"Of course Ty. I'll be there soon. I'm going to stop by the hospital and then I'll come aftewards. Just go relax. We'll talk later."


"And Ty?"


"I'm so sorry about your dad," I mumbled.

"I'll see you later," he said and then hung up. Tyler and his dad didn't get along but I knew Tyler. He was hurting, real bad. I'd be there for him after I see my brother and one of my best friends.

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