Chapter 5

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A/N Sorry it's so late. I had a few kinks to work out. hope you enjoy.

Gajeel tugged on Levy the moment she yawned to the door. "Let's go home." he growled. She had nodded and reached for his neck, he picked her up and she cuddled into his neck. He just smiled, ignoring all the things that people were yelling out trying to get answers from him. In fact I don't even think he so much as noticed. He left the guild hall and I took Carla's hand and pulled her over to Natsu and Lucy. 

"Lushie, Natsu let's go home?" I asked pretending like we all lived together. 

I startled them out of their thoughts and probably whatever they were saying through their mental link. "Sure Happy we will drop you off before we go-"Lucy started but I interrupted her. 

"Let's go!" I whine and Carla giggles a little. 

Lucy just smiles and picks us both up and cuddles us, "My babies," she whispered. Carla flinched a little at that but cuddled into her arms and I once she took the thought in. She is my wife now. "Bye, everyone!" Lucy called out not noticing the looks of horror on their faces as Natsu slings a protective arm around her shoulders and we walk out. 

"They really do act like a family." I heard someone say from inside. "What happened to get them all acting weird like that? Did you see Gajeel and Levy?" "When did they all get married and why did they hide it from us?" They were fading as we got further and further away. I smile to myself I finally have most of my perfect family...

"Lushie, when are you and Natsu going to have babies together?" I asked now rubbing Carla's belly.

Lucy turned a little pink but she answered anyway, "I don't know, Happy. It will just happen when it does I guess." 

"Do you want babies?" I asked her, her face went a little redder. 

"One day, I would like to have lots and lots of babies," she whispered and looked up at Natsu, with what looked like fear on her face only to see him grinning happily. 

"Lots and lots," he purred nuzzling her ear before nipping at it. I smile I know how much Natsu wanted a large family and knowing that Lucy wanted the same meant they were likely to get it. After all we are Fairy Tail, we are a family. 

We get to mine and Carla's house and Natsu laughs, "Couldn't wait to get rid of me I see." he tried to tease when he saw that the sign now read Happy and Carla and not Natsu and Happy. I laugh while I turn to make sure Carla gets in safely. 

When I turned around and faced them they seem confused. "I have a gift for you as a congratulations on finally getting together." I couldn't help the smirk on my face. "After all I was right and you two llllllooooooovvvee each other." They chuckled and waited expecting some kind of boxed gift. "It's this way!" I guide them and they follow me down the road just a little bit before seeing the house. 

"Has that house always been there?" Lucy asked confused. 

"No and it shouldn't be this is still our property." Natsu growled. I laugh getting his attention and his anger soothed.

"This way," I sang out and they continue to follow me to the house. "Here we are! Your new house!"

"What?" Natsu and Lucy gasped shock evident on their faces. 

I nodded my head happy with their reactions. "Lily helped me build it and Carla helped decorate it. No one else knows about it. And look here is your sign." I say proudly the sign read Natsu and Lucy's house. I throw them the keys and continue on, "No one but Lily, Carla and us know about it so no one should bother you for a few days. Although you should move Lucy's things from the apartment soon. Her landlady is scary." I make a face that they laugh at and they give me hugs and kisses and thank you's before I pry myself away. "I have to get back to my wife now." I smile as I wave goodbye going home.

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