Chapter 2

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"Did we actually do anything back there?" Lily asked me when we were a safe distance away.

I nod a little, "Yeah but not really enough to say we did. Do you think we should still try Gajeel next?"

He looked puzzled then shrugged, "I guess so, I do have a plan, especially after seeing how Natsu and Lucy were."

He then told me the plan and I couldn't help but fly in the air in my excitement. "That's perfect! Let's go talk to Levy now!" I cried out.

"Not yet we have to get my place ready first!" Lily scolded me. I kind of chuckle in response. We go to the market and get a few different things and set up at Gajeel's and Lily's house. If you can really call it that I mean they are living in a cave behind a waterfall. To be fair I guess it is nicer than mine and Natsu's place. It's larger and it does have running clean water and plumbing. It even has a fairly nice kitchen in it which is surprising since I thought Gajeel would have eaten the appliances.

I guess Lily noticed me looking around and said, "Gajeel had to replace all the metal with his own so it would be good enough." In other words he ate the metal and replaced it with his own so that he couldn't eat it. Gotcha.

"Now that everything is ready are we good to ask Levy?" I ask him making my eyes really big at him. He just laughed at me and nodded his head. We take off into the air and head to the guild.

When we arrived we saw Gajeel and Levy in the corner. Somehow Levy had migrated into Gajeel's lap. I look over at Lily just to see him slap himself in the face before pointing at them. So now I understand he is just as frustrated with them as I was with Natsu and Lucy.

We fly over and land on the table in front of Levy. "Levy, can I ask you something?" He asked her.

"Hhhmmmmm?" She mumbled without looking up from her book.

"Levy? Please?" I ask her now and that seems to startle her.

She looks around the guild and then back at us. "Where's Lulu and Natsu?" She asked. For some reason she calls Lucy Lulu; but I guess I can't say anything cause I call her Lushie all the time and Natsu calls her Luce.

"They went out to do some training or whatever. I didn't want to be around them while they did so I'm hanging out with Lily today." It was mostly the truth. Training was a strong word for what they are doing but whatever.

"Oh..." She sighed.

Lily cleared his throat, "So can I ask you for a favor?" Now he has Levy's attention and she smiles and nods, waiting for him to continue.

"Well I was wanting to know if you would spend the night with us tonight?" Gajeel had been taking a drink of water and promptly spit it out, choking when he heard Lily say that.

"Well I wouldn't want to impose," she hesitated after nearly jumping out off her skin at Gajeel's reaction. Did she even realize she was sitting in his lap? He just shook his head trying to clear his throat.

"You wouldn't be, I already have a bunch of stuff and a couple cots set up. Happy is going to be staying and we were considering inviting Carla as well." Lily responded ignoring Gajeel who looked completely confused.

"But Carla won't come unless another girl comes so we thought we could ask you first and even if she says no we could still hang out with you." I add on.

"Ah, that's very sweet that you want to make sure she's comfortable! Sure I'll stay the night so long as it's okay with Gajeel?" She looked up at him and he nodded.

"I must have forgot all about his sleepover thing I usually take a mission when Happy and Natsu come over." He grumbled.

"Didn't you hear me earlier? Natsu's not coming he is with Lushie." I huffed like I was angry at Natsu.

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