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  • Dedicated to Harold or B2KJennJenn <3

"DANNY! DANNY! okay now Danny really. GET UP. IM GONNA GET THE WATER BUCKET. I DONT WANT TO PUMPKIN. BUT I WILL." Isn't the best feeling in the world waking up to your overly happy step mom yelling at you? yea- NO. wait. did she just call me PUMPKIN?

"Okay, Kathy. I'm up.." I grumbled,

"but I am not fat & orange..." I add mumbling.

she hadn't heard the last part...

"OH HONEY BUNCHES," She says in that annoyingly overly peppy voice she has, pinching my cheeks, "YOUR SO PRETTTTY. YOU LOOK JUST LIKE YOUR DADDDY. AND DONT CALL ME CINDY! Call me, Mom."

Oh dear lord someone save me.

Where did she get Cindy? I never even said Cindy.

"No, Kathy- Really. It's fine. You can leav-"

"YOU MEAN MOM!" She jumps on my dark purple blanket, hugging, more like suffocating me.


About 5 minuets later of that AGONIZING TERROR, I got Kathy to leave. I know Kathy means well. But she's annoying as hell.

I get up and start getting dressed. I have school today right? I could've sworn yesterday was Friday.

"KARA," Kara's my annoying step sister, she's gorgeous, bitchy, spoiled, talented, athletic, and the exact same age as me. "WHAT DAY'S TODAY?"


I catch a glimpse of her walking past my door, her naturally golden ringlet curls(that normally, she straightens) her bright blue highlights and perfect dark blue eyes. I hate her. Everything about her.

It's 7:34.

"Aha, looks like I'm gonna look like a bum today." I chuckle to myself.

I grab my dark purple(if you cant tell i like dark purple.) Victoria Secret's PINK jogging pants and a super light yellow t-shirt, throw my dark red/brown hair in a pony tail, grab my phone, slip on my Nike slides, and go.

Walking down the stairs I sneak into the kitchen, Kara's passed out on the couch. "SOMEBODY'S gonna be late..." I say to myself. Walking into the kitchen I grab an apple.

Soon im in my car, music blasting, singing like an idiot, eating an apple, and pulling into Upston High.

It's empty.

The whole parking lot.

Completely and entirely empty.

...*Bang*...my apple hits the floor.

I grab my iPhone. The date clearly says at the top;

Saturday, 7:50 AM.

Damn you, Kara.

I drive home, pissed. I have no apple. No school. (Which, ya know, I can deal with.) I'm up at basically 8 AM on a SATURDAY. No. That doesn't work for Danny.

10 minutes later, im home. stomping in the house.

"Yeah, and I heard the Mike totally hooked up with Rachel over at Tammy's Party Thursday. I know, total douche, right? ahah!" Kara's gossiping into her phone. Soon she looks up, with her cute little smirk. "Back from school already, Ryanna?" "Don't call me that." "Okay, Danny, whateverssssssssss." She says adding more ssssss's to the end of the whatevers than she should've. what the hell is she? a snake?

I just stand, gawking at how much I wanted to punch her hooker red lip stick right off her pretty, yet skanky little face.

"Forget it." I say quietly. Thankfully Kara doesn't notice me calling her multiple names as I walk up the carpeted stairs.

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