Introduction & Module 1

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"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure; the process is its own reward."

Amelia Earhart

They say we go through a cycle of spiritual rebirth every seven years. It may not be verifiable science, nor is change set on an exact timetable, but it's one of those ideas that feels true. Often, it's only in hindsight that we can see those pivotal moments in the logbooks of our lives with the clarity to recognize them as crucial steps toward growth.

But what if we were the architects of our growth—the "PIC" (pilot in command) of our own journey? Wouldn't we have a better chance of arriving where we actually want to go?

This is exactly what you've chosen to do with your decision to embark on a Course Correction. This reset could be beneficial in any "threshold moment" in your life: Divorce, menopause, retirement, new job, marriage, college, Tuesday... Of course, you don't have to have a monumental life change going on to crave a reset. I know that when you're ready for change, you want to get started right away!

During Course Correct, we'll look very honestly at the current state of our lives and our potentially self-defeating habits. We will assess and define our goals, and then employ strategies to reach those goals.

Day by day, you will get your power back by heading to a place that YOU designate as being best for you and your ultimate happiness. I want that for you and will do all that I can to help you get it.

I'm sharing this strategy with you because I created it for ME and because I believe we will have a better world if we start right where we stand.

It doesn't mean I'm perfect or that I don't get off course. I do! With the hectic nature of life, it's natural to lose sight of our direction sometimes.

I've been stuck and frustrated and desperate to get myself to act and live in ways there were in sync with who I wanted to be. There's nothing more painful than living a lesser version of yourself and knowing it will culminate in living a lesser life than what you were capable of living.

As with most difficult choices and changes, it was far easier to do nothing than to take action. Deep inside, I knew what I had to do. I wanted to change but didn't, if you feel me. I justified, procrastinated, denied, and lied myself out of change. The more I did that, the more frustrated and lost I became.

When I learned to fly, my instructor gave me a great lesson on the importance of regular compass checks. What did she do? She let me get lost. I had no idea where we were and only a vague notion of how long we'd been off course. It can happen very fast.

Imagine a compass with the directional lines fanning out from a dot in the center, much like the spokes on a wheel. At the very center, the lines are close together, but as you continue outward on any one line, the lines get farther and farther apart. The longer it takes you to figure out you're off course, the more off course you will be.

The bottom line is that I was suffering because I kept ignoring that nagging calling for change, a change I intuitively knew would usher in a radical life shift; spiritually, physically, and energetically.

I wanted that change. And...I fought that change.

Sound familiar?

Luckily, I have a natural tendency to seek inspiration, to love learning, to deeply crave knowledge of how to develop human potential—specifically my own potential. I don't think I'd have bought so many self-help books over the years if I didn't want to better understand the world and its possibilities, and if I didn't believe in the promise that I could always transcend where I currently found myself.

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