Episode 1

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When we got married, I made a vow in my heart; more vows than I did at the altar; I would never cheat on my wife. I was not perturbed about the possibility of me remaining faithful to my wife; we dated for two years and through that two years I never cheated. And now that we are married, I am most certain that I would remain faithful, but just few months after our marriage, her second cousin Beverly had me pinned to the floor and rode my vows out of me.

We had the most talked about wedding for many reasons but the most for me is because of the famous singer Tiana's mother flew to Nigeria from Ghana to perform.
Everything was in excess and in multiples; all types of food from local to continental dishes, wines and an unprecedented number of guests, yet we had enough left over in drinks and food to go another round.
I was not surprised about the flamboyancy of our wedding. Tiana was her parents only daughter and obviously they didn't hold back in giving Tiana the wedding of her dreams.
I would ever cheat on my wife. Why would I even contemplate such; Tiana and I always had wonderful sex and I always looked forward to our blissful romp.
The routine was as soon as I had eaten, the bedroom was next. I guess I was already over sexed that it had lost its lustre. Then It dawn on me that Tiana doesn't care about me enough to ask how my day went. Before I hit the bed she already was grabbing at my schlong.
I got bored and my wife had become an insatiable addict. I partly blame myself, I knew I couldn't keep up with it, yet I led her on until I started giving excuses to get her to let me be.
Few weeks ago, Tiana told me of her cousin's intention of staying with us until she got her own apartment. I had not met this cousin of hers who was overseas, but I had seen pictures of her she was rather far from pretty. I thought briefly about what she just said and gave my consent. Our semi-detached house was big enough and nothing could happen between me and her cousin. We are family.
Sunday the following week Beverly's flight touched down. We waited for close to half an hour before we saw her at arrival hall. Initially, I did not know it was her; I was so carried away by the elegance of the beauty approaching us, not until Tiana came into view and hugged her. Beverly wasn't close to the pictures I had seen of her; the pictures must have been years old. The Lady my wife held in an embrace had almond eyes. She was taller than my wife by at least a feet and hips could not be hidden even though I stood before her, the shapelines made a large arch behind her.
She broke off from their embrace and they began walking up to me. I broke a sweat and lost my tongue. I managed to comport myself. Her face was plastered with a big smile, her dimples and diastema had become the prominent features of her face. I stretched my hand when she got close and somehow found my tongue.
"Beverly, you are welcome" I muttered.
But, she ignore my hand, wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace.
"Nice to finally meet the man who stole Tiana's Heart.

Throughout the drive from the airport; Tiana and Beverly couldn't talk enough about anything. I just eavesdropped and dropped my opinion when asked.
We helped move some of her luggages into the guest room Tiana had prepared for her. I was left alone in the sitting room watching TV. While Tiana and her cousin remained in the kitchen.
They later found their came to join me. Whilst Tiana remained with me, Beverly went to have a wash.
When she reappeared, she was on a big shirt. I made sure I comported myself as not to be found staring at her nipples. Her breasts were shooting out. They raised the big shirt so high that it barely got to half her thighs.
Amidst cheers and laughs we had our dinner. Soon we panned out of the parlor. I stole a few glances at those breasts discreetly.
Tiana insisted that she had a bath with me when we got inside, giving into this one would mean going the whole way. I walked past her into the bathroom before replying.

"Tiana, let me just have my bath first. I want.." she cut me.off.
"Suit yourself, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions."
"What do you mean suspicions?" I poked my head out of the bathroom. She looked scornfully at me and didn't bother to answer but stood up to turn on the bedroom television. I shrugged and started my wash. Obviously, she has acertained that I am not as enthusiastic as I used to be.
That night I slept peacefully but my mind wasn't at rest.
The next day was a Monday, I woke up to an empty bed. Tiana was never an early riser. How is it that she isn't still in bed at past five? She must be with Beverly. I stood up, made my way to the bathroom, today we are pitching for a new product by a multinational company. I was the chief creative director of an advertising company.
I hadn't seen Tiana or Beverly, when I was about stepping out I knocked at Beverly's there was no response. I made to leave but I noticed the door was ajar. I put my head through the gap. I couldn't see any thing yet since I was in the light. I could have called Tiana and then made my way out but I didn't my heart was racing. I stepped in the room. The light filtering in through the door led the way. Legs were sprawled on the bed. I moved closer and saw them lying on the bed but unlike Tiana who was under the duvet, Beverly's was on it. Her big shirt had risen so high that I was almost looking directly at her hairy orifice. I was spoked and excited. I'm not supposed to be here; I reminded myself but I put an override on those thoughts when I stoopped and got a better view. I couldn't continue like this I might be caught. I forcefully adverted my eyes and retraced my steps as carefully as I could until I got to our bedroom.
It took more than a moment for my heart to decelerate to normal. I splashed some water on my face and stepped out to meet Beverly saying "Goodmorning, Taye. You are off to work already?"
I did not know how to respond to her. To say I was shocked, embarrassed etc were understatements. She must have watched me bend down.
"you had breakfast yet?"

My day way was full of thoughts and if I had knowns. Did Beverly see me look at her womanliness? Would she tell Tiana? If I had known I would not have even knocked. Although we had a successful presentation and had won the contract for the new product, I was downcast. I knew I was less lively than j used to be, I tried to be as normal as possible I thought I had succeeded.

"Oga you have been wearing a long face. What's wrong?."
"There's nothing wrong Ruby."
She walked closer
"Are you sure?" She asked while trying to find out if she would see a hint of a lie in my eyes.
"Everyone is celebrating downstairs sha. Dad asked me to come to see why you aren't with us. But, since you say you are fine; No problem"
I watched Ruby exit.
Ruby is the daughter of Mr. Balogun the CEO. She was 20. It was obvious that she always want to hang with me, exchange banters sometimes she gets annoying touchy. It was unbelievable to me even with those signs that such a small girl would be tripping for a man of my age.
Kofi had told me that the smallie was infatuated to me. I didn't believe it and called it nonsense. Then one day she attempted to kiss me. I remember warning her to never try such. Since then our relationship had been at arms length and her visit infrequent.
I needed an advise that would get me out of my dilemma. I climbed down the stairs and joined the other staffs in celebration. I found Kofi but was unable to unburdened my problems to him.
I can handle this myself.
Truly I could not handle it. I couldn't leave the office until dark. I got home past 10. I hoped Beverly was not in the sitting room.
Beverly was in the sitting room, alone and smiling broadly, she greeted me cheerfully. But, my mind fearfully did a rebound before I returned her greeting.
"How was work today Tay?" She asked
"It was fine" I answered. What's going on? Maybe she didn't see me in her room. I made my way to the master bedroom. Tiana was not in the room. I'll have a wash and go ask Beverly where Tiana was. When I had washed and changed into a pyjamas I walked into the sitting room and my tongue failed me. I walked pass into the kitchen. It was from the kitchen while dishing out a plate of rice did I find my voice and asked.
"Beverly, where's Tiana?"
There was no response to my question. I couldn't bring myself to ask again. I planned to head straight to my bedroom but when I walked into an empty sitting room, I changed my mind. Let the worst happen, what is it? should I be running helter-skelter in my house because I saw a woman who did not cover her unclothedness? These thoughts were laced with gallantry and indifference.
There was only one place Tiana would be. I was angry that she was acting this way in front of Beverly. She was giving her a bad Impression and who knows what she must have told Beverly, or what Beverly have thought of us, especially me who did not turn away when I saw her unclothedness.
I sat watching an old movie on the Tv. A whiff of some nice scents hit my nose. I turned to see Beverly in the same grey top make her way through the corridor towards me. She was probably going to confront me or something. I began feeling restless. My gallantry and indifference where no where to be found. They asconded long before I saw her. I nearly took off but she was closeby already.
"I know" I muttered under my breathe.
"You are still awake? Aren't you going to work tomorrow?" Why is she asking about work? I stuttered a bit while replying her.
"I am, but since I had a late dinner, I'll have to stay up for a hour or so before heading to bed"
"I love the Robert's movies." She said and sat on the sofa opposite me. Movie? Wont she ask me about this morning?
She made herself comfortable and made me uncomfortable, her grey top was pulled and fixed in between her fair thighs. The rest of her thick spotless thighs were laid bare before me.
"You like De Niro? I asked.
He is one of my favourite actors, I had actually met him at a film festival, he is more magical in person than on screen" She said like a school girl would talk about her crush. Maybe she does not want to talk about this morning or maybe these are preambles.
I averted my eyes and summoned the courage to ask of the whereabouts of Tiana after a while.
"Tiana is in my room"
"Okay!!" I wanted to talk to Tiana but my wife had a penchant for making a scene. I decided to wait her out.

We continued watching Red Lights in silence which was only broken from time to time by our comments.
Suddenly, a glass of a building shattered in the movie. In bewilderment Beverly raised her legs and the clothes between her box and my eyes went out of place.
I had always loved me a hairy bunch, for me there is feeling of maturity that comes with it and it's been a while since I saw one. Tiana did not grow hairs. If you found hairs on her box it was either a stunted strand or two.
I struggled to look away but in no time my eyes were again focused on the triangular shaped patch of dark hairs. Her legs were opening and closing. I didn't think to look and see if she had caught on.
She snapped her legs shut and brought me back to reality.
Her eyes burned and her face played a smile at its corner.
"I guess the movie was not as interesting as mine"
"Sorry, about that it wasn't my intention to"
"No need to apologize Tay. I wanted to see if you liked it"
WHAT DE? My mind screamed. She stood up and walked into her room.

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