Chapter Ten

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"Derek" Rory shook the man's shoulder again, although she has yet to receive any sort of response from him,
"Come on, dude. Get up"

Rory let out a huff before her eyes turned blue and she placed her hand on his forehead, shooting a thought into his head – something that she had only ever done once before, and in a dreamscape to Thalia Hale.


Derek turned around with a frown on his face, he'd been standing in a clearing in the preserve watching fireflies zoom around the place. Beside him was Rory, she was six again and staring up at him, pulling on his arm.

"Dad, please get up"

Derek's eyes shot open as Stiles skidded to a stop beside him and Rory, the man looked at Rory for a moment before glancing around them in search of Jennifer,
"Where is she?"

"Jennifer?" Stiles questioned for clarification,
"Gone with Scott's mom"

"She took her?" Derek asked with a frown.

"Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls; Scott left with Deucalion" Stiles informed the man in annoyance.

"We gotta get you out of here" Rory said as she helped Derek to his feet,
"The police are coming, so, come on, we gotta go"

"What about Cora?" Derek questioned as he walked after his daughter.

"In the car, come on" Rory said as she headed towards where she'd parked her car, glancing over her shoulder to see Derek and Stiles still standing in place,
"Come on"

"The word is guardian, Allison. More than anyone, you know that's a role I haven't exactly lived up to lately" Chris informed the trio of teenagers that were in front of him as they all stood in his office.

"But she took Scott's mother and Stiles' father" Allison pointed out to her father,
"That's not a coincidence"

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that someone put your name up in large block letters on the elevator doors" Stiles said bluntly, his anxiety clear in the way he fiddled with his fingers,
"That kind of felt like a warning to me"

"I think it might be Morrell" Rory informed them with a small frown,
"I mean, she definitely knows more than she lets on, she could even be trying to help us"

"Well, she needs to get on that a lot faster" Stiles commented,
"Seeing as how the lunar eclipse is less than two freaking nights away"

"Stiles, don't give up hope" Chris advised the boy.

"They could be dead" Stiles said pessimistically.

"I don't think so" Chris shook his head,
"There's something about Jennifer's tactics. It's like she's still positioning, still moving pieces into place"

"Yeah," Rory agreed with a nod,
"Don't forget that you're one of them"

"Then let's not wait around to see the next move" Christ suggested nonchalantly causing the teens to exchange frowns,
"Everything she's done had been on a telluric current, so Melissa and the Sheriff have to be somewhere on one of those currents, right? Stiles, if we're gonna find them, we need your help"

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