Chapter Five

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"Am I getting too close? I'm getting way too close, aren't I?"

Rory didn't bother responding to her cousin, too lost in thought as she stared out the passenger seat window, her chest giving a sharp ache as her thoughts rushed back to why Allison wanted to follow after the bus in the first place.

"That depends" Lydia mused from the backseat where she was reading and highlighting a textbook,
"Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?"

"Yeah, I should back off" Allison nodded as she slowed the car down a bit, although she ended up stopping completely due to the large traffic jam that was backing up the entire road.

"Well, that also depends; do you mean the bus or the ex-boyfriend you're currently stalking?" Lydia questioned in curiosity.

"Well, after it happened, I'm not letting him out of my sight" Allison informed the strawberry blonde, casting a quick look over to her cousin who, at a glance, looked absolutely destroyed.

The brunette had deep bags under her eyes, looking equally exhausted, sleep-deprived and heartbroken. She had bruises on her upper arms that looked all too similar to handprints and her eyes had dulled, making her look empty.

"And by the way, this all started when he came knocking at my door"

"For what?" Lydia questioned in curiosity causing Allison to launch into an explanation about how Scott had come to her with an arrow that she had used to force Boyd and Cora back into the school the night of the full moon.

"Is this whole 'not let them out of your sight' thing literal or more like a general rule?" Rory questioned, speaking for the first time since they'd all gotten in the car, not giving Allison time to respond and not allowing her eyes to waver from the window,
"You're running on fumes"

Allison looked from her cousin to the dash where she could see that Rory was correct, a frustrated huff left Allison's lips,

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota" Lydia commented nonchalantly.

"What if we stop?" Allison questioned the pair.

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Lydia questioned with a quirked eyebrow,
"I mean, so we lost them. We know where they're headed"

"You didn't see what happened" Allison said sombrely, glancing at Lydia through the mirror before gesturing over at Rory subtly.

"I know who started it" Lydia said nonchalantly.

"Is that what Aiden told you?" Allison questioned in an attempted nonchalance.

"Aiden?" Lydia echoed in confusion before realisation hit her, a gasp falling from her,
"Whoa. Hold on a second. Is that why you invited me on this whole little road trip thing? Oh my gosh. You're keeping an on them, and me"

"So, there's nothing going on between you two" Allison questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm appalled by the insinuation"



Lydia looked up from her book and over at her best friend, leaning forwards to gently touch her shoulder,
"Why is she grilling me when you're the one sleeping with Levi?"

"Because" Allison justified with a small shrug.

"That's not an answer"

"Because you didn't have an anxiety attack that destroyed half a city block last night" Rory answered bluntly,
"Because you and Aiden are making out in Coach's office every moment that you can. Because Allison thinks that you can handle the pressure of being monitored whereas she thinks that I'm about to blow"

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