Chapter 2

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The thought of walking to work this morning makes me nervous. It means I have to see Tyler again. What if I make it awkward? I take my time getting ready and Claire notices.

"What's taking you so long?" she asks. "You'll be late for work. That's not like you."

I continue moving at my slow pace. "No reason."

Her eyebrows scrunch together. Then realization washes over her face. "Ohh, this is about Tyler, isn't it?" She begins to get giddy.

I try to put my jacket on and avoid eye contact.

"Well, just remember to smile and laugh at his jokes," she says. She fixes my hair. "Boys like it when you laugh at their jokes."

Right. Great advice, Claire. With a deep breath in, I walk out the door and towards the corner of Murdoch and Elm Street. From a distance, I see Tyler already standing there waiting. He stands against the street lamp. He leans against it so effortlessly. He waves to me. I wave back shyly.

"Hi," he says once I get closer. "A little late today, huh?"

"Hi," I respond. "Yeah, I, uh, couldn't find my house keys."

"Well, we better get moving." We start walking towards the store.

A breeze blows, and I catch a whiff of his cologne. It smells warm and masculine with a hint of something else...spice? Leather? His smell hugs me and dances around my nostrils.

"You excited for our date tonight?" Tyler smirks.

"What happens if I say no?" I tease.

He looks at me with playful eyes. "I guess I'll have to try my best to blow you away then tonight."

"Blow me away?" I repeat. "I look forward to it." I smile. My palms grow sweaty.

A moment of silence passes.

I see a couple pushing a stroller down the opposite side of the street laughing. They're holding hands. "I know nothing about you," I speak up. How could I go on a date with someone I knew nothing about? How could I give someone a chance without knowing why I'm giving it to them? Do I even like Tyler as a person?

"What would you like to know?" he asks.

A million questions pop into my mind. What're your parents like? Do you have any pets? What's your favorite type of music? Do you have a favorite color? "Do you have any siblings?" I say. Jesus, Chloe. Why that question?

His face scrunches, and his mood changes. "No."

Weird. It must be a sensitive topic. "Me either," I say. "Um, do you have a favorite food?"

He breathes a laugh. "Yes, easy, any good burger."

The doors of the store appear in sight. I almost wish they hadn't. I want to know more. "I like vanilla ice cream."

"Vanilla, huh?" he says. He runs his fingers through his hair.

I nod. "What's wrong with vanilla?"

He gives a sweet smile. "Nothing. Vanilla is perfect."

Perfect? What does that mean?

Bo rushes out the store doors. "Hey, love birds! Get your butts inside this store!"

I checked my phone for the time. Ten minutes late. Shit. I rush inside. Our conversation would have to continue tonight.

"I'm going to have to keep the two of you separated. Jesus, " Bo angrily mumbles.

"That won't be necessary," I say as I fast walk towards the break room. I have no intent of letting Tyler distract me at work. I need this job.

"Jeez," Tyler says catching up to me.

"Please, don't talk to me at work today," I tell him. "I'm not trying to get in trouble."

"Trouble? Me?" he says trying to be cute. "No way." He puts his stuff into his locker and walks away.


Throughout the day, Tyler kept messing with me. I tried my best to stay away. It was exhausting. I grab my coat to leave.

Tyler comes up behind me. "Shall we continue our conversation on the way home?"

I turn around. "Only if you behave yourself next time we are at work. You were ridiculous today." I roll my eyes and walk towards the exit of the store.

"I was only trying to have a bit of fun," he smirks at me.

"Well, stop it," I say. I try to keep three paces in front of him.

"You're walking so fast," he comments. He looks at my butt. "I mean, I could get used to it."

"Hush," I snap.

"Alright, alright," he says catching up. "I'm sorry. I'll stop."

I choose to not say anything and keep walking. I just want to be home.

"The sunset's quite nice, huh?" he asks.

It's shades of pinks and oranges that look like sherbet ice cream with wisps of marshmallow clouds. It certainly is beautiful. I nod in agreement.

"Tell me about yourself, Chloe," he asks softly.

"I dunno if you deserve an answer after today," I sass.

He chuckles. "Sassy. I like it," he says. "I'm sorry about today. I was only trying to make you laugh."

I guess Claire was right. Boys do just want you to laugh at their jokes. "It's okay, but please don't do it again."

He smiles. "I won't," he says. "Can you tell me about yourself now?" He pouts. "Please?"

"Not much to say," I start. "I was born and raised here. My father left when I was six. My mother lives a few towns over now. I never went to college...couldn't afford it. So now I live with my friend Claire. She's a sort of Instagram Blogger," I pause. "There's not much else to tell. I live an uneventful life."

"That sounds," he pauses. "Pretty vanilla." He smirks slyly.

"Funny," I say sarcastically. We reach the infamous street corner and I stop. "What about you?"

"Well, I guess you'll find out later tonight," he says and, of course, a big smile slides across his face. "I'll see you here at eight." He walks towards his street.

That sneaky bastard. After all this, all I know is he's sensitive about having no siblings and he loves a good burger. That's about jack shit. My mother would be so proud. I huff out an upset breath and walk towards my apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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