Chapter 1

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I walk to work every morning to my wonderful and rewarding job at a run-down discount department store. I've been taking more shifts lately, so this walk each morning gets increasingly less fun. I'm trying to save up, although unfortunately not for a car.

I currently live with my perfect, bubbly, nosey roommate Claire. Don't get me wrong, I love her. Most of the time. She's an instagram blogger. She's quite good at it, too. She's been trying to get me to join her.

"Come on, Chloe!" She begs. "We'll be insta-famous so quick! Claire and Chloe: the hottest roommates around. It'll be so cute!"

It's fair to say I have been wanting my own place for awhile. I'm not really interested in having a social media presence. I socialize with enough weirdos at work. I definitely don't need more or to keep up with them.

I arrive at the store doors. I stop and sigh before walking in.

"Chloe, I need you to open up a register," my manager Bo bombards me. "Sue hasn't shown up yet, and I have interviews and training to do this morning."

"Copy that," I say walking to the break room. Ah, the break room. My favorite room in this store. I put my lunch in the fridge and my stuff into my locker. I grab a work vest and name tag hanging up on a hook.

Hello, my name is Margot, the name tag reads.

I stopped caring about what name tag I wore long ago. It's nice to be someone different and hear that name a hundred times a day instead of my own.

I walk over to the nearest cash register and set it up. The first customer of my shift approaches me. I begin to check them out.

"Did you find everything you were looking for today?" I ask on instinct. I start scanning and bagging the items.

"Huh?" the man says unloading his cart. "Oh, yeah, yeah, sure."

I finish scanning the items.

"Oh, one last thing, Chloe," Bo calls from behind me.

I turn around. Next to Bo is a guy about my age in a new employee vest. His hair perfectly swoops upward. His white shirt loosely drapes his fit body. Hints of tattoos poke out from the sleeves and collar.

"This is Tyler," Bo continues. "He's new and I want you to train him."

Oh, boy. Just what I need today.

I print a receipt for the customer in front of me. "Here you go, Sir. Have a nice day." I turn back to Bo and Tyler. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Great, thanks." Bo walks away.

Tyler and I stare at each other. "Hi, I'm Chloe," I say in hopes of breaking the awkwardness.

He points. "Your vest says 'Margot'."

I look down and up quickly. I laugh nervously. "Oh, yeah, I just put it on. I do that."

"Well, Chloe, I think you have a beautiful name and you should be proud to wear it," Tyler says stepping closer.

I blush. Jeez, was he flirting with me? "Well, Tyler, I think you should learn how to use the cash register." We get a new customer at check out.

"Move over," he says to me. "Hi, Ma'am, how're you?" He begins scanning the items and working the machine no problem. He's had experience. I let him do his thing and walk away to put out other fires in the store.

"Wait," Tyler calls out. "You're just gonna leave me?"

I nod. "Yeah, you seem like you know what you're doing."

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