Married to my Imaginary Husband 2

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When I woke up I ran outside ignoring the pain in my now throbbing head. 

Odis followed me like he was my shadow and grabbed me. 

"Tell me you kidnapped me and that you paid those kids to be our children," I whined. "No, wait!" I shouted. "Don't tell me that. I don't know what you should tell me."

I began to moan.

"Shhh! There there, apple pie, it will be okay."

I gasped. "Oh my god!" I whispered. "Oh my god."


"Only my husband calls me that because because..."

"Because apple pie is your favorite and you love to bake it."


He chuckled. "I know, honey, I told you I'm your husband." He turned back around toward the direction of the house. "Let's go inside and I'll make you some coffee to help calm your nerves."


I couldn't even drink my coffee without big dark brown worried eyes watching me. 

I feigned a smile. "Can I help you?"

"Mommy, why are you acting strange?" Mischa asked me.


She looked at  me as if I had gone crazy, and maybe I had gone crazy. 

Odis knelt down in front of her. "You'll have to excuse mommy, Mischa, her new medicine is making her sick and causing a few speech problems. Go watch TV with your brothers."

"Okay, daddy."

She left the room and I bolted upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door before dialing a number on my cell phone. 

"Hello," Said a woman.

"Shana!" I hissed.

"Why are you whisper shouting at me?"

"No time for stupid questions! Listen to me! There is a man in my house claiming we're married and that we have three children together. Call the cops!"

Shana laughed. "Are you drunk?"

"No, why are you laughing? This is serious!"

"You are married to a guy named Odis and you do have three children, remember? Except I was not invited to the wedding because it was private. When do you guys renew your vows so I can come?"

It is real!!!


"'I'll call you back later, okay?"

"All right."

There was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Baby, can I come in?" Said Odis.

"Uh...sure. Let me just unlock the door." I unlocked the door. "Come in. We need to talk anyway."

He came inside and the second he did I wanted to jump out of the window.

"Are you okay?"

"Honestly, no. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Can we sit down and talk about this?"


I tossed my cellphone on the chair and sat down on the bed next to Odis.

"What do you want to know?"

"When did we have kids, and why don't I remember having them?"

"We first had Bentley when we got married and then we waited a couple years before we had Hyde and after four more years we had Mischa. As for why you don't remember, I don't really know."

Married to my Imaginary HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now