Married to my Imaginary Husband

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Married to my Imaginary Husband 

My name is Carrie Langhorne and up until recently I was a single woman who lived by herself in a bungalow with no cats or dogs to protect me. I'm a redhead with crazy frizzy curly hair that takes forever to straighten in the morning, which is why I always to be up around four a.m. just to make sure it looks good before I go to work at seven and it takes me an hour and a half to do it. I've worn glasses throughout my entire life since the third grade; my eyes are the color of honey, half black and half Scottish, and I work as an assistant to the manager in the music making industries at Raven Blue Records and he is a bit too touchy for my taste.  

When I was a little girl I imagined up the perfect guy for me in my head and when I would daydream or sleep we would play together. Growing up he is still my best friend that became my lover as time flew by and I got older. Even now he is still my only love and in my head. He has wavy curly tawny blonde hair that clings to his head and sometimes gets in his eyes, and warm hazel eyes, and olive colored skin with pearly white teeth. His name is Odis Watterson. 

Now imagine the shock on my face when I find out I REALLY am married to him and it's not mental anymore!!! 

I screamed when I saw him lying in bed next to me just staring, and jumped out of my bed with the bed sheets hugging my body. 

"Honey, what's wrong?" The perfectly handsome stranger asked me. 

"Who are you? And why do you look like Odis?" I hissed. 

He laughed. "Honey, I am Odis. I'm your husband, remember?" 

"Wha.....wha....wha...but you were....and I was.....your in my head....and now...your....huh?" 

I was completely dumbfounded.  

"Baby, we've been married for ten years now." 

"I'm not married. My name is Carrie Langhorne and I am a single woman." 

"No, your name is Carrie Watterson and you're my wife." He smirked. "And, Carrie, I've seen your lovely body a thousand times." 

"Your lying!" I hissed once more.  

"If I'm lying then how do I know you have a blue butterfly on your ass, covering the mistake tattoo of a strawberry after you and your girlfriend Breanne were no longer friends?" 

My eyes widened like saucers. " Who the hell are you and how do you know that?" 

"I told you I'm your husband. Your name used to be Carl because your parents wanted you to be a boy and forced you into sports to make your dad proud. You've always dreamed of being an actress and a model but you always thought you were too ugly for that, so you never did pursue it. When you were in the 6th grade you had gained a lot of weight and people would pick on you and call you fatty fat Carl till you cried.

The teasing got so bad that eventually they took you out of public school and put you in an all boys boarding school where you had four guy friends; Tom, Chad , Quincy and Edmond. They also had you put in a fat camp where you made friends with Becky, Laurel, and Shana. You love opera music and would sing in all the opera plays because your mother worked in the symphony music business and she used to be an opera singer too. All those friends are still your friends and you dated Quincy for quite awhile until you moved away from Beckham, Orleans and came here to live in Ample, Wilkin City to somehow squeeze into the music business and here you are still waiting to get a promotion and trying to get the courage to go big time with Opera music, since opera music is really a big deal at Raven Blue Records. " 

By the time he finished my hands were shaking and tears started brimming in my eyes. "Odis," I whispered and hugged him tightly.  

He kissed my forehead and touched my red hair. "Your even more beautiful in person," He said in that irresistible sexy voice I never got tired of hearing. "Check your ID." 

I grabbed my purse out of the soft cushion chair in my room next to my bookcase and lamp. When I looked at my ID it no longer said Carrie Langhorne it said Carrie Watterson. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous and unreal it all seemed to imagine the perfect guy in my head and then find out he is no longer in my head but real. I looked up at him. 

"How did you get here?" I asked him. 

"I left your mind and appeared here. I could feel how much you needed me and I needed you so much too. Now I'm here and we are happily married." He caressed my cheek. "Your no longer alone now that I'm here."  

Something told me to punch him in the nose and run out the house screaming that I've been kidnapped by a madman but how could he know all those personal things about me that no one ever knew about? He could be a stalker but somehow I just knew that he wasn't a stalker and that he was real.  

"What else don't I know that is real?" 

"...Do you really want to know?" 


"We have three kids. Hyde, Mischa, and Bentley. Hyde is four, Mischa is two, and Bentley is six." 

My knees started to go weak and he caught me. "Where are they now?" 

"In the living room watching tv." 

I went into the living room where I saw a cute little heart shaped face girl with russet hair, dark olive skin, and dark brown eyes, sitting in the middle of the couch between two boys. Both of the boys had a lighter olive skin tone. The boy on the right had the same tawny blonde hair as Odis with my honey eyes and the other boy on the left side had my red hair and Odis's hazel eyes.  

"Aren't they beautiful?" Odis whispered in my ear.  

Overwhelmed I ended up fanting, Odis had caught me. I passed out.  

"Is she dead?" The boy with the red hair asked. 

"No, Bentley, mommy is just tired," Odis replied. 

There you have it. My name is Carrie Langhorne and not only am I married to my imaginary husband, but we also have kids. This is going to be fun!!!

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