Chapter 2 : The Final Hours

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Information :
The following chapters will take place during Mortal Kombat X Comics which (if you've never heard of it) is the comicbook whose story is the prequel of Mortal Kombat X. To be more precise, it tells what happened right after Shinnok was emprisonned in his amulet at the beginning of the game. So, there will be spoilers of Mortal Kombat X Comics.
I advise you to read the comicbook before you read those following chapters, even if you don't care about the spoilers, because otherwise it will be hard to understand the plot of this fanfiction. I will not be able to explain everything that happens in the comics, besides, the comicbook is very complicated to understand as well (I had to read it more than once and make my own research on the Internet about the details that I could've missed to fully get the plot lol).
If you cannot afford yourself the comicbook, here's a website where there are scans (in english ofc) of the comicbook so you can read it for free :) Enjoy !

After capturing Shinnok, Sonya Blade, along with Johnny Cage and the Special Forces, decided to infiltrate Quan Chi's fortress in the Netherrealm to catch the sorcerer. As they were walking down the stairs which was leading to an open room, Johnny said. "Nope... No evil sorcerers in here..."
"Would you get serious ?" Sonya giggled.
When they reached the floor, they looked around, no one seemed to be there.
Johnny added. "Quan Chi needs to clean up his man-cave."
"It's cleaner than yours." Sonya mocked.
"You're comparing me to Quan Chi ?"
"Only in terms of cleanliness."
Sonya then walked around, followed by Johnny, and looked at the candles and skeletons that were all around them as decorations. In the middle, there was a sort of bath filled with a red liquid which looked like blood.
As Johnny approached it, he asked. "What's this ?"
He then leaned to get his hand closer to what this mysterious liquid was, as Sonya warned him. "I wouldn't do that."
"Ah come on..." Johnny responded. "Where's your sense of..."
But as he touched it, the liquid started to move to form a spirale inside the bath, and it felt like the entire room was brought back to life.
"You wish for adventure ?"
Sonya and Johnny turned both of their guns towards Quan Chi, who came through a portal followed by the revenants of Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Jax.
"You shall have it," he said.
"Fire !" Sonya yelled to the soldiers.
As they lined up, they started to shoot the Netherrealmers, but Quan Chi said a spell. "Ni shuo wu shing KWO !"
Then he made a wall made of green transparent skulls, protecting him and his revenants. As the soldiers saw that it was pointless to attack, they stopped shooting. Right after, Sub-Zero threw ice towards them, freezing them instantly.
"I have no need of your soldiers." Quan Chi told. "But you and Mister Cage will serve me well... once you are dead."
Then the four Netherrealmers ran towards the two Earthrealmers. Sub-Zero and Jax attacked Johnny as Quan Chi and Scorpion fought against Sonya, who managed to dodge almost all of their kicks and punches. She first knocked out Quan Chi, then Scorpion, quite easily.
She then turned back to help Johnny out, and both of them beat Jax and Sub-Zero, before Sonya turned to Quan Chi and said. "Quan Chi, you've lost."
"A delay, miss Blade." he answered. "The inevitable still beckons."
And suddenly, Johnny was stabbed from behind by Jax.
Sonya yelled. "Johnny !"
Quan Chi then slapped her as Jax took out his knife from Johnny Cage who severely hit the floor. At the same time, Johnny's revenant started to appear inside the blood bath. Sonya managed to quickly get rid of the sorcerer, but Jax was threatening Johnny. As he tried to approach him, Sonya grabbed him from his hips and threw his away. She then knocked him out, and felt a little guilty about it, as Jax used to be her old friend. But she knew that this was not him anymore.
Sonya then quickly ran and knelt next to Johnny Cage, trying to stop the bleeding with her hand, and holding his head, telling him. "I'll get you outta here. You'll be fine."
"Dunno." he answered, weakened. "Blood's... s'posed to be... on the inside..."
At the same moment, Johnny's revenant grew even more. But Raiden and Sakuya suddenly teleported inside the room, as Sonya felt a little more relieved.
As Sakuya knelt next to Johnny to heal him, Raiden said. "I must reverse his spell."
He then invoked lightnings that he threw to the revenant Johnny as he started. "Cha taah... rahmalaykorh... Esaltika... bahr fentika..."
At the same time, Sakuya put her hand on Johnny's wound and started to heal him from the inside.
Sonya smiled. "It's working !"
But Quan Chi threw a dark energy to Raiden which interrupted his invocation, and released the revenant. Sakuya screamed. "Raiden !"
"You're weak, Thunder God." Quan Chi told. "Johnny Cage is mine."
"No." Sonya stopped him. "He's mine."
As she stood up, she told Raiden to save Johnny, and added. "I've got this son of a bitch."
After minutes of fighting, Sonya managed to take over and punched Quan Chi, who was now weakened and lying on the floor. Finally, she gave him one last kick between his legs, knocking him out for good. Now, the influence of Quan Chi was completely erased from the revenants, who, after Raiden broke the spell, came back to their human form.
"The others are restored to the living. "Sakuya said as she stood back on her feet. "By coupling Quan Chi's magic to Raiden's, he was able to restore their souls."
When Sonya knelt down next to Johnny, she asked to Sakuya. "Is he gonna make it ?"
"Haven't I told you." Johnny answered for her. "She's a goddess."
"You scared the shit outta me."
"And they said I couldn't do horror films."
But when they turned their heads, Quan Chi was not there.
"He's gone ?" Sonya said with shock. "How did he-"
"We gotta go after him." Johnny answered weakly.
"He can wait. Right now, we need to get you and the others back to Earthrealm."
Sakuya turned at Raiden, and asked him. "Are you fine ?"
He nodded at her, and she added. "The Special Forces will probably take care of Jax, but what about the two others ?"
Raiden looked at Scorpion and Sub-Zero unconsciously lying on the floor, and responded. "We shall take them into the Sky Temple temporarily. The Jinsei's energy will heal them faster."
But Raiden had another reason to take them near him, and Sakuya didn't have to know it, at least, not for now.

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