The Elements Divide

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Book: The Elements Divide


Genre: Science Fiction


Quick Brief:

For hundreds of years the elements have lived in harmony divided, never allowed to see one another until a fire boy ventures into the Air kingdom.

Audra is the future queen of the air kingdom but is still held back by her sisters untimely death until hope shines along in the form of a dark eyed teenage boy.

Brenton is an average fire boy who blames himself for his mothers death, that helps Audra see the light and embarks of a journey to find her sister and shatter the system that caused her sisters sudden disappearence.



My thoughts:

Audra sounds rational but acts like a child, she often comes off as greedy and takes Brenton for granted even after he risks his life for her.

This is truly a story for the ages and hits some major topics like politics and discrimination.

I can't wait for the next chapter.

How i found it?

I was already meant to review  it for the whiz picks and i still finished it anyway because it is fantastic.

Science fiction

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