Love story of a cocky vampire

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This dedication will go to Katherine101. She is the one getting me on the idea of edit the story and all of you should give her a clap! She is one great friend, she is my sister and I would do as much as I could for her! I love her and I hope that we will be friends for a long time! <3

under the editing i was listening to the song that is on the side here...I hope you'll like it just as much as i do! :D

I woke up while looking around franticly. My nightmares just repeating every time I shut my eyes tight...The car driving of the bridge whit me and Elena in the back. My mom and dad in the front...Me screaming for help, but no one came. How...How I saw my parents die straight in front of me. How I just tried to survive and blacked out, shure of that being my last moment on this world.

I sighed while looking around in my room. My green eyes scanning every corner, every pick of friends, family and just random stuff, every single place in this room. I turned to the big paint behind my bed and grabbed my journal, and began to write in my diary:

Hello, dear diary!

I know I haven't written hear for a long time, and for that I'm truly really sorry.It has just...been so much lately... I, Elena and Jeremy have been dealing with the loss of our parents.

In the summer I have been on cheer camp like I always do, but Elena didn't come and that was really sad because it helped me to go on, and think of something else. Jeremy has been taking drugs, and Is after this Vick chick. She is dating my old boyfriend Taylor...You know that guy I have written so much about? The one that I thought I loved and he loved me back...Not so true!

Love is is life, but this year will be different. I will stand tall and strong through everything, and I will move on...I have to move on.

I have to go now though and get ready for school, so I write her later<3

Xoxo Eirin

I stood up from the warm and comfy bed and walked over to my big dark brown dresser, after putting my diary back. I pulled on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans, some black boots, deep red tank top and had some makeup on my fac. It was smoky eye effect so my cat green eyes stood out more than usual. I put my heart shaped necklace that I got from my aunt Jenna and then brushed my brown curly hair. It was a little fluffy, but it soon came back on to their soft curls that were hanging down my back.

I walked down stairs, with my black leather jacket over my right arm, and my bag over my left shoulder. When I walked in too the kitchen I saw Jeremy snatched the money out of Aunt Jenna's hand. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I looked at Elena while doing so and she just rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"Anything else...? A number 2 pencil...?"Jenna asked wile throwing a book into her bag, a frown on her forehead.

"What am I missing?" she asked to no one particularly.

I tilted my head to the side and watched her for a moment. What was she missing? Oh...right.

"Don't you have a huge presentation today?" I asked whit a little gentle smile on my lips.

Jenna sighed heavy and turned to me whit a little hank full smile on her face.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor" She looked at her watch, pulling down her high pony tail, so her wavy hair tumbled down her back "crap" She stated while I rolled my eyes at her. She could be such a weird woman. I would never understand myself on her.

"Then go for it. We'll be fine" Elena said with comfort in her voice, her brown eyes filled whit worry for out aunt being late for her meeting.

Jenna then left us behind in the kitchen. I finished my coffee in silence and then I walked out after a while. I wanted to go to school so I could clear my thoughts from the nightmares I was having and the best way to do that was to walk...

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