Chapter Notification

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I have a few announcements to make regarding this book. First of all, thanks for half a thousand reads in less than a week. I don't really like that people don't comment on the book to share their thoughts with me, but it's all good, all good.

Anyway the book is probably more or less coming to an end soon.... Maybe maybe not because I myself do not know. I wrote this book once before to have a more brutal ending but thought that I'd change the plot a bit on Benedict's part because... *clears throat* his character look is too hot for me to kill,... Believe it or not I don't want him to die... Hence why this book may take longer to update.

Also, since I'm changing the plot around this progressing part of the book, I'd need time to think of events that'll fall in place in the book so my apologies that I won't be updating as wildly as I used to (the four chapters a day thing), so it may just be one long chapter per day. Please bear with me. I'm trying to make sure it isn't cliché and unprofessional.

That's about all.

Please don't forget to leave a vote on each chapter you read please. If this book gets enough worthy views I will publish a new book for you guys. It's my first time publishing here so please give me your efficient support.

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Oh and follow my Instagram @gigiarako and comment under my recent that you're from wattpad for a follow back. Thank you and have a nice day. Keep staying tuned to Sweet But Psycho (SBP)

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