3; michael & stacy

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AN: hey guys! Just so there's so confusion, Ashley Benson plays Stacy. Follow my Instagram @/sparkymichael

"So...what now?" Tori asked, looking around the tent. Everyone who had gathered to watch her performance/job interview had dispersed, leaving no one in the room but Luke and Tori.

"Erm, I'm not sure. I've got to go clean up. Everyone does multiple jobs here, it's just how it is," Luke sighs "if you want, you can come with me?" He offers her.

"Um, sure." Tori replies somewhat awkwardly.

"Okay. Follow me please." Luke chirps, before turning on his heels and leading her to the exit of the tent. Tori struggled to keep up with him, his long legs producing longer strides than she could ever achieve.

"So, what exactly does cleaning up mean?" Tori asks him, attempting to break the silence.

"A variety of things really, sometimes I pick up litter or take out over flowing trash cans, other times I help feed the animals, or even help train them." He responds enthusiastically.

"Oh, cool."

"See, my girlfriend Stacy works with the animals here. She was studying to become a doctor you know, for humans of course. But sometimes things don't really work out as they are planned to," Luke pauses, looking at the ground with a hint of sadness "Common, I'll introduce you to her..I think she'd like you."

Luke leads Tori to the South Eastern portion of the park. He leads her into the "off limit" portion of the park, and then into a faded, weathered tent. All sorts of things greet them, from exotic birds to hyenas to chimps. Tori looks mystified, starting at the vibrant birds.

"Stace? Where are you?" Luke calls out.

"I'm here!" A female voice hollers back, somewhere to the pair's left.

Tori and Luke follow the sound to find a lovely looking girl sitting on a fold out chair petting a yellow lab. Her hair is a golden color, framing her face and bringing out the emerald in her eyes. A dusting of freckles is evident on her nose. She's beautiful.

"Luke! What are you doing here?" Stacy greets her boyfriend with a baffled look. Luke strides over to her, bends over, and kisses her on the cheek.

"I wanted to see you."

Chuckling, her jade eyes drift over to Tori.

"Who's this?" She inquires curiously.

"I'm Tori...I'm new here." Tori unevenly answered.

"Oh! Welcome!" She declares with a genuine smile, standing up from her chair and stepping forward. Unexpectedly, she pulls Tori into a hug.

"You look like you haven't been clean in a while. If you'd like, you can take a shower and borrow some of my clothes?" Stacy offers her.

"Oh my god yes please thank you thank you thank you! This day couldn't get any better!" She replies almost too giddily. She felt like she was walking on air. She had not showered in weeks, the last occasion being her sneaking into a recreational center and being kicked out.

"No problem. I know what it's like to be in your shoes."

"Scram Lukey. This is girl business." Stacy lovingly jokes to her boyfriend and then pulls him in for a peck on the lips. With a goofy smile on his face, Luke makes a pouty face, winks at Tori and walks off.

"You two look great together." Tori compliments.

Stacy's eyes dance and she wears a wide smile. "After all, I am in love with him."


It turns out showering wasn't at all what Tori thought it would be. Seemingly, showering at the circus really meant hosing off via garden hose with cold water behind a curtain. Never the less, Tori found the experience of getting clean invigorating. She learned that having clean hair is never something you should take for granted. Tori scrubbed herself down, removing every last particle of dirt and grime from her body.

Once dressed, Stacy also braided her hair, gave her a new tooth brush, and 3 complete sets of clothing. Stacy was like the best friend Tori never had. She was eternally grateful to her.

"Thank you for all of this. You did not have to do this for me and you did. You have no idea how grateful I am that you exist." Joked Tori.

"No problem. I've always wanted a sister." Winked Stacy.

"So, where are you from?"

"I'm....from Melbourne." Tori replied, almost shyly.

"Me too! You know there's this really good ice cream shop there that has the best coffee ice cream you will ever consume."

"Huh. I'll have to take you up on that." Tori laughed.

"It's a plan. Next month the circus hits Melbourne, and you and I are going sister."

Throughout the time Tori spent with Stacy, their conversation was always light hearted and informal. Tori found Stacy to be exceptionally generous and comical, and could not help but look forward to their ice cream shop date they had planned the following month. Although she seemed open enough, Stacy avoided certain topics about her past life. Although Tori was curious, she realized she didn't want anybody prying into her own life and discovering her past. Tori helped her care of the animals, which today, meant cleaning them. Although not very exotic, Tori took a liking to the yellow lab named Riot.

All of the sudden a punk looking boy lumbered into the room, clutching a bloody finger.

"I...I need stitches Stacy." shuddered the guy. He refused to look down at his hand.

"Oh! Alright! I just need to fetch the needles and sterilize them, give me two shakes, Michael." Stacy quickly shot up from where she was seated an raced away. Victoria wouldn't be surprised if she was some sort of track star.

"Who are you?" Michael interrogated.

"Um..Im Tori. I'm new here I guess." Tori answered. She was mentally slapping herself for how awkward she was.

"What can you do?"

"Dance, you?"

"I don't really specialize in anything. One day I'm a clown, one day I'm singing on stage, today I'm running the Ferris wheel. It all depends I guess." Mike shrugs. He wears a cheeky grin.

"I've always found clowns kind of creepy- especially the contrast between their pale skin and bright hair...kind of like yours." Victoria giggled, glancing up at Michaels clown red hair and pale face.

"Ouch! At least I don't tease victims of a haunted Ferris Wheel." Michael chats, flashing Tori a smile.

"It's haunted?"

"Yea! Its best to go there at night though. Wanna come check it out with me one of these days?"

"Sure." Tori smiles warmly. Everyone that she had met had been nothing but kind to her. She was so thankful.

"Hey! Sorry I took so long." Stacy apologizes before taking Michael's hand in her own and wiping the blood off.

"No problemo. Your sidekick here distracted me from the pain."

AN: MICHAEL YOU FLIRT! What do you guys think is going to happen??
Srry i didn't really edit this chapter.

Cheers ;)

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