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Cotton candy clouds lined the horizon as he gazed off into the sea. He sat cross-legged on the sand, patiently waiting.


His lips stretched into a candid smile when he heard her energetic whoops and hollers from behind him. She ran to him, tackling him in an affection-filled hug. He enveloped her in a tight embrace, relishing in simply having her with him. He had missed her. She had missed him.


He thought of the way her chestnut hair was constantly a little messy, and the way she would tuck the same strand of hair behind her ear every time she blushed.


He loved her stubbornness, never admitting she had done something wrong. Somehow, with that tremendously delightful mind of hers, she managed to paint somebody else as the enemy.


He loved the way she got so into thought that she entirely lost track of her surroundings, abandoning responsibilities entirely. Retreating into her own little world. And so badly did he want to be part of that little world.


He loved her,
No matter how much time they'd been apart.


And she loved him too.

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