highschool's a bitch

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This is a 2 parter after I publish this then I'll update my ruby smut. I was way too proud of this not to put it anywhere. Enjoy.

I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could, sitting on the hard wooden bleachers. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, laughing, various voices filled the space around us. I heard bits and pieces of conversations, I turned to Sid.

"Why are we here didn't you come to this yesterday?" I rested my elbow on his thigh, looking up at him.

"Yeah some bitch talks about drugs for like an HOUR it's one of those dare things." Our eyes met and I rolled mine. Leaning back against the hard wood seat. Shawn shot him a look and he responded with a weak "what?" to his glare. Ruby reached over and tapped me on my leg, I looked up, watching him wave his hand and smile at me.

"I saw you when we walked here what was that for?" He shrugged his shoulders, motioning for a lighter.

"Why the fuck do you need a lighter?" I asked, he hadn't spoken yet, just made random movements.

"I have a backwood, rolled, backwood in my pocket give me the lighter." I widened my eyes. There was no way in hell he was going to smoke it here. I shook my head.

"I need it"

"No you don't not right here not right now" I spoke quickly, some confusion still in my voice.

"I'm going to leave and smoke it, outside"

"You're not smoking that without me" Sid chimed in, Ruby sighed, nodded in agreement, and turned back to face the girl who was about to start speaking.

She wore a white dress that cut off just below her knees, black slip ons, and a black cardigan. She looked like the poster child for this kind of lecture. I rolled my eyes.

"Corey said she looks like a dyke" Ruby leaned over so I could see him past Sid, Corey leaning over Ruby, still laughing at his remark. I chuckled. The gym went silent when one of the assistant principals spoke into the mic.

"Students, today we welcome a guest speaker to talk to you all about the dangers of drug abuse."

She continued, I looked over to Sid after he tapped me on the shoulder. He mocked her and rolled his eyes. I tried to keep myself from laughing. Shawn leaned over me and hit him on the arm, earning a sharp but quiet "ow" from the scrawny man next to me. I covered my mouth and tried to keep my laughter in. Ruby leaned over to Sid and asked for a lighter, again.

"Give it a rest big man" Sid hissed. Ruby shot him a dirty look, and pinched his arm.

"I'm trying to smoke this fucking backwood, I know you have a lighter, it's yellow and you wrote some shit from Transformers on it." Ruby shot back angrily. I watched the two bicker. Shawn grabbed my arm and turned me towards him, breaking my focus on the two boys.

"Can you tell them to shut the fuck up?" He muttered in my ear, I sighed, dramatically, and turned back to Sid, repeated the message and earned another eye roll.

"Don't shoot the messenger" I added, and shrugged my shoulders.

The group was silent for a while, listening to the speaker. She stuttered and tripped over her words, I heard Sid chuckle each time she messed up. She spoke about different types of drugs, how they affect our brains and made us sick and addicted. The topic of cocaine came up in her lecture, she began speaking on it. I guess harder drugs were the big subject of her whole speech.

"Hey" Sid leaned over and whispered in my ear, gripping my thigh and making me look down. In his hand was a tiny bag, white powder in it. An eightball. I widened my eyes and looked up at him like he was crazy. He was crazy.

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