Chapter Twelve

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Six Months Later

“Harder!” Lord Maxim’s head butler and trainer yelled at Rune. He punched the cloth covered hay bale again, this time with more force. “Again!” Rune let out a grunt as his fist connected with enough force to create a new hole in the bale. He straightened and stretched as the butler come around to inspect the hole Rune had just created. The butler let out a low whistle.

“I think that’s enough for today, Rune,” the butler said. “I don’t think this bale can handle any more abuse.” Rune threw his head back and let out a huge laugh that echoed through the courtyard. “What’s so funny?” Adrien’s voice came from behind Rune. “Evidently the hay bale can’t take a punch like it used to.” Rune turned to face the hulking mass grinning behind him. Adrien lifted a hand to grasp Rune’s in a strong grip which he equally returned. “Little man got stronger since I’ve last seen him,” Adrien said with a smile and quick ruffle of Rune’s hair. “And a bit taller too.”

Rune puffed his chest and flipped his hair off his face causing Adrien to let out a huge guffaw. Seeing Adrien chuckle, Rune slumped back to his usual stance and started cleaning up from his training session. “How was your trip, Adrien? You haven’t been back for a few months.” Rune pauses to stare accusingly at the sheepish man behind him. “Leaving in the middle of the night, you had all of us worried sick.” Adrien looked away from Rune’s stare, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation.

“I’m sorry, Rune,” Adrien started. “I had some family business to take care of. I didn’t know until that night that I needed to go.” He looked back to Rune with a sorrow Rune hadn’t noticed before. “You understand right?” Rune nodded. “Yeah, I do.” They stood for a moment in silence, lost in thought, before a voice came thundering through the courtyard.

“Rune! Father said we’re finally ready to…” Aria strode into the courtyard in a long silk dress, a small train following behind her. She came in loudly but trailed off as soon as she saw Adrien standing with Rune in the courtyard. Adrien’s jaw dropped as he took in the sight of Aria in a dress and he froze. Aria watched him for a moment then turned to face Rune. “Father says we are to start our prophets training today. We are to meet him at dusk in his study. Got it?” “Yeah.” Aria began to walk back to the main house. “Wait!” Rune called. “Aren’t you…” Her eyes bore into him and dared him to finish the sentence. “Never mind,” he muttered and, with a sniff of her nose, Aria ran back inside.

Rune turned to Adrien who was standing there looking to where Aria had just been and laughed. “Bring your jaw up, Adrien. You don’t want to be caught gawking at her.” Adrien shook his head and looked to Rune. “I wasn’t gawking, it’s just...she never wears dresses. It makes her look like a girl.”

“She is a girl, Adrien, but she’s a girl who is more comfortable in a tunic and trousers,” Rune stated. “However, Lord Maxim wants her to act more her station when travelling so he makes her dress up around the estate. Be warned though, she’s got some serious weaponry under that dress and she knows very well how to use them. I’ve got the scars to prove it.”

Adrien sighed heavily. “It feels as though I left only yesterday, but both of you have changed quite a bit from when I last saw you all.” Rune nodded and started to walk back in to the home with Adrien trailing behind. “Does Lord Maxim know you’re back? Surely he’d have you train with us seeing as you are one of the heirs.” Adrien shook his head. “I had just stabled my horse when I came across you practicing in the courtyard.” Rune slapped an arm across Adrien’s shoulders. “Well why don’t we find the lord so we can tell him you’ve returned and can join us tonight. I have a feeling this will be one lesson you won’t want to miss.”

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