Chapter Four

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Rune walked down the forest path towards the nearby town of Nell. There he figured he could buy the supplies he needed and get directions to the Lightwood duchy. Once he reached the duchy, Rune could send for his mother… Rune’s eyes teared up at the thought of his mother’s passing. He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not notice the person standing still in the middle of the path until he ran into them and knocked them off their feet.

“Hey watch where you’re walking, bimbo,” an annoyed voice rang up from the forest floor. A doe in the bushes raised its head at the sound. Both Rune and the stranger watched the doe run away further into the forest. “And now you’ve lost my dinner too,” the stranger sighed rising to their feet. “Sorry,” Rune replied. “I wasn’t looking.” “Well, isn’t that obvious?” the stranger turned to look at Rune disdain written all over her face.

Rune was surprised to see that the stranger was an attractive girl with distinctive purple eyes equipped with so much hunting gear that he had mistaken her for a boy. He gaped for a moment then recovered himself. "Yes, can I make it up to you by buying you a drink at the pub in town?" he asked her. She huffed. "What so you can seduce me? No, thank you." She turned to leave. "May I ask you one last question?" Rune called to her. The huntress turned around, an annoyed look on her face. "Do you know which way it is to the Lightwood duchy?"

Her face registered a look of surprise which she quickly masked with indifference. "Aye, what's it to you?" she asked Rune. "I was told to go there by my mother," Rune replied. "She told me that I could get the help I need there just as long as I showed them this." Rune fished the engraved cross out from around his neck and showed the girl. She grabbed it and pulled it, along with Rune, toward her.

"Where did you get this?" she asked. "My mother gave it to me," Rune said. "Where is she?" the huntress inquired. Rune stared at the ground between his feet. "She died. Plague," he told her quietly. The girl let go of the cross and backed away to stare at Rune. "Sorry," she said. "My younger brother just passed away too. We just finished his passing rites." "I'm sorry." "He was in a lot of pain," she said with tears in her eyes. Rune looked at her in a new light as she wiped away her tears and stood up straighter. "I'll take you up on that drink," she said. "But we aren't going to the local pub. I know a better place. Follow me." She started walking quickly through the forest brush while Rune jogged to catch up. "I'm Rune Tempest by the way. I don't think I caught your name-" The huntress looked back with a knowing smile on her face. "I didn't give it. I'm Aria Lightwood."

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