On The Run

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Alex's P.O.V

I was in school, how boring, statues; about to commit suicide.

I was walking twords my locker till I bumped into something hard making my books fall down and skater all over the place.

Great,just great (note sarcasm).

"Oh sorry,I didn't see you there. "A husky voice said I looked up ,O my God,I can't believe who I just bumped in to.

"That's ok...I...wasn't....paying .....a-attention."O real smooth Alex.

"by the way my name is Steven."Said the HOTTEST GUY AT OUR SCHOOL.

"Ya I've heard of you by the way my name is-"I was interrupted by Steven.

"Alex-"he said smoothly ,change of status;Melting.

"Ya um how did know."I asked ,I was popular but not as much as him or......my brother.

"Alex....Alex......Alex,Alex."He kept repeating my name over and over aging and then he grabbed me by my shoulders and started shaking me.

"Alex."The voice was got familiar and clearer.

I opens my eyes to see Logan,grrr he will pay back for walking me up.

"What."I whined.

"Wake up I want to go to the beach and your more fun and destructive than Tori or Sammy, Heck Sammy is like mom and Tori wants to stay with mom to cook."Logan whined as he shook me and I groaned a no.

"Please and I'll buy you your favorite ice cream, come on you know you want cookie dough."He said and with the sound of cookie dough I woke up.

I got up from my bed "come on brother Cookie dough ani't buy it's self lets go, apurate hermanito querido."(Hurry up lovely brother) I said the last part in Spanish, ya I knew Spanish most of my family from my mom's side did,it's because mom was a part of a Mexican Tribe called 'Mahka',they had amazing legends, they were similar to our dad's legends but mom's stories were more cool sense they had powers.

My brother got up and I ran to the restroom to do my morning routine.

I got dressed in my black bikini that had a push up bra to make my boobs look good and on top I put a baby blue top,white shorts,golden belt and golden sandals.

I didn't put on make up ,people always told me I had 'natural beauty' and I bought it so I hardly ever wore makeup.

I got my Galaxy 3 phone and left my room.

I walked through the hall way to my brother's room.

I found his and opened the door slightly "Logan are you here?"I asked him and looked around to see no one.

Then there was a hand the cupped my entire mouth to cover it and pulled me in I looked up to see Logan.

"Whata Heck Logan ,I thought you-"I was cut of by him once more covering my mouth, I looked up and noticed his hair wasn't blue any more.

"You need to stay quiet , there on to something."Logan whispered and then gulped.

"Who?"I asked

"The girls ,I kinda got revenge for the blue hair thing and well they didn't like it."He whispered back, I nodded and then I remembered something I saw in the movies.

I grabed his hand and dragged him to the window, I opened the window and looked out and sure enough there was a balcony.

"Alex what are you doing?"Logan asked and I turned to look at him.

"Do you trust me?"I asked

"No"Was all he responded

"Good your smart, now give me all the blankets you have and help me make knots at the end of every tip with one another and make sure there strong enough to hold you at least."I instructed and he noded , why was I doing this well I do hate my brother but no one should die in the hands of those girls, they some how find a way to make it painful and slow, creepy?Pretty much ya it was creepy.

Logan gave me enough blankets to reach the second level.

We started making knots until we were done and then there was a loud bang on the door.

"Logan James Black HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLLED YOU NOT TO MESS WITH MY HAIR!"I heard Sammy screech .

"Hurry."I said and put the blanket on the window and tied one and to the corner of the bed and let the other hang out the window.

I went first and fell on the balcony of dad's office witch was on the second floor.

"Alex."I heard Logan whisper and I looked up were he still was.

"Catch the ball."He comanded and I saw a soccer ball fall witch I catched ,thankfully.

"What why?"I asked confused as he started claiming down the rope.

When he was down he answered "I still want to go to the beach."

I smiled and opened the glass door and we went in dad's office .

I opened the huge wooden door and peeked my head out to see no one.

"Cost is clear."I whisperd and we got out and quickly down the hall we got lost about like 3 times until we found the stairs.

Note to self explore the house after red head (Sammy) and Blondie (Tori) ain't mad at me for helping butt face (Logan).

We silently tipped toed to the door when we heard a voice ask "What do you two think your doing?"Mom'c voice asked

I turned around "Mother lets just say we are ON THE RUN!"And with that we got out of the house.

We climbed on to Logan's car and left to the beach were hopefully the girls wouldn't find out and look for us.

"So what beach are we going to?"I asked curious

"Um down the first beach."He said and I nodded and I looked out the window silently praying mom didn't tell the girls i was with Logan.

So I like this story allot so I put a chapter in there and named it after the story I really truly love it's hilarious . It's called On the Run, obviously.

I promise Paul will come out soon.

Hoped you liked it.



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