Chapter Five

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Okay, so, um... eight days? Not that bad, right?

So, this chapter is basically going to be entirely theories- even more so than the other chapters- and mostly about Glimmer and the Neverseen. These were pretty hard to come up with (and a lot were stolen from other people on the KOTLC wiki lol) so please don't judge TOO much.

Crowd: Um, may I remind you that any intelligent person should judge every word you type?

Me: Dear Lord, not you again.

Crowd: Believe me, that's what we thought when we saw you too.

Me: *Sigh*

Crowd: If we both hate each other, why don't we just leave?

Me: bEcAuSe ThE fAnS LiKe iT!

Crowd: What fans?

Me: Shut up. Enjoy the chapter!

Crowd: Pfft yeah like that's gonna happen.

Two hours and 948534 pieces of mallowmelt later, members of the Black Swan were sitting in Sophie's living room. Some were glaring at her, understandably, because she didn't save any mallowmelt for them.

"You kids! Quite bickering and pay attention!" Mr. Forkle snapped.

Glimmer leaned over to whisper in Tam's ear "Does every sentence he says begin with 'you kids?'"

Tam shrugged. "Honestly, most of them."

Linh, who was on the other side of Tam, splashed them both with water and ordered them to pay attention. Marella laughed at that, and Mr. Forkle glared in the direction of the four of them.

"Now that you kids have settled down, I have a few questions for Miss Glimmer."

"Just Glimmer is fine." Glimmer said.

"Okay then, Just Glimm-" Dex started.

Marella shoved him. "DAD JOKES ARE NOT ALLOWED!"

Mr. Forkle sighed, because those kids would NOT settle down. "I prefer to keep things formal, Miss Glimmer. You should at least consider yourself lucky that I'm not calling you by your real name- which I could easily figure out."

"As far as you know, Glimmer is my real name."

Mr. Forkle sighed again. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "All right, Miss Glimmer. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?"

"I'm not going to tell you who I actually am, if that's what you're wondering." Glimmer said defiantly. Linh sighed and gave her a disapproving look.

"If you don't feel comfortable sharing your identity yet, that's perfectly fine. I myself have had many secret identities. Anyway, I was actually planning to ask some questions about the Neverseen. Mr. Tam tells me that you seemed to be a fairly trusted member, and if that is the case we would like some information about our enemies."

Glimmer shrugged casually, but still looked a little suspicious. "Okay. What do you want to know first?"

"How about you start with who we're fighting against and what their abilities are?" Sophie suggested.

"Um... okay. So, you know Gisela and Vespera, obviously. Um, Alvar used to be with us until that time we attacked Everglen- I wasn't there, by the way. Gethen. And there are some, like, ogres and dwarves and goblins, but I don't know any of them by name. Um... Ruy's still there and helping with the plans, but his psionopathy isn't working anymore... that's good, right? You know all these people so far?" Everyone nodded. "Okay, so, um, all the other people I only know by their code names, but I know their abilities so that's really what's important to fight them, right? So, there's Trix... he's a Guster. There's a guy called Axel... he's our technopath, and he's actually really good. Um, Silver. Her real names Shrivani- I actually know that one. She's a beguiler. And, um, the only other one I know is Mist, he's a phaser."

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