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A few months has gone past and you haven't heard anything from your parents. Only Zachs family. Myta knows your pregnant but no one else does.

Y/n: hey Zach. The baby is due in a couple of months. Have you thought of any names.
Zach: yeah. How about Lucy or Julie or something.
Y/n: sure. They are cute names.

*skip a couple of months*

Y/n: Zach. I think my water just broke
Zach: ok lets get you to hospital quick.

You and Zach get a taxi to hospital. It takes about 7 minutes to get there. You lay on the bed giving birth with Zach holding your hand. Your squeezing his hand so tight.
After the baby is born you hold her and you and Zach both name her Lucy.
The next day you FaceTime Zachs family.

Zach: hey everyone
Y/n: hello

You are holding your baby.

Myta: oh my god she is gorgeous!
Ryan: awww she is so cute.
Reese: adorable
Zach and you: thanks.
Y/n: she is only a day old but she's healthy and hopefully is will stay that way.
Myta: that's what a good mum would say. Glad to see you 3 are doing well anyway. Have you told your family y/n?
Y/n: no not yet. But after this FaceTime maybe.
Zach: yeah I think you should.

*the next day you FaceTime your family. Your dad is there*

Y/n: hello
Zach: hi
Y/m: hey y/n. How are you?
Y/n: I'm good but look who I have
Y/d: a kid? Since when do you have a kid
Y/s: she is so cute. Wish I could have her.
Y/n: well I feel pregnant the last time dad was here. I didn't say anything cause me and zach wanted it to be a surprise.

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